
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 22 16 / 6 72 1433
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
4418 Win 1433 (+67) 2024-09-22 7:24 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 347081 5321424 0 0 1691 (+18) 1433 (+67)
Octoban Human Охотник 7857975 2009468 1 0 1719 (+16) 1610 (+23)
Miasma Night Elf Друид 579198 7231865 0 1 1534 (-17) 288 (0)
Matrix Human Воин 6806430 43069 0 0 1486 (-14) 0 (0)
4414 Win 1366 (+66) 2024-09-22 8:06 Black Rook Hold Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 379037 7671711 1 0 1673 (+14) 1366 (+66)
Octoban Human Охотник 9970037 1852840 1 0 1703 (+13) 1587 (+20)
Kizuna Human Охотник 8976367 1878350 0 1 1485 (-15) 480 (0)
Ratcry Night Elf Друид 52232 7606482 0 1 1392 (-10) 384 (0)
4412 Win 1300 (+75) 2024-09-22 10:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 343884 8701271 0 0 1659 (+16) 1300 (+75)
Octoban Human Охотник 12123285 2457820 2 0 1690 (+14) 1567 (+22)
Kizuna Human Охотник 11299970 2149062 0 1 1500 (-17) 480 (0)
Ratcry Night Elf Друид 28162 9401755 0 1 1402 (-11) 384 (0)
4410 Lose 1225 (0) 2024-09-22 5:33 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Waix Human Маг 4528729 234701 1 0 1770 (+23) 1392 (+84)
Adovayababa Human Жрец 401081 2268381 1 0 1678 (+30) 576 (+96)
Mellxx Human Жрец 48999 2713390 0 1 1643 (-25) 1225 (0)
Octoban Human Охотник 2658109 1594401 0 1 1676 (-27) 1545 (0)
4408 Lose 1225 (0) 2024-09-22 1:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Waix Human Маг 1179704 15704 2 0 1736 (+28) 1235 (+92)
Adovayababa Human Жрец 246538 440707 0 0 1632 (+35) 384 (+96)
Mellxx Human Жрец 0 150087 0 1 1668 (-28) 1225 (0)
Octoban Human Охотник 79985 192422 0 1 1703 (-29) 1545 (0)
4406 Win 1225 (+83) 2024-09-22 2:46 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 199534 1398599 1 0 1696 (+16) 1225 (+83)
Octoban Human Охотник 1281131 626871 1 0 1732 (+14) 1545 (+49)
Rendezvous Human Охотник 920270 447085 0 1 1467 (-13) 672 (0)
Муауа Human Разбойник 734657 0 0 1 1507 (-15) 96 (0)
4404 Lose 1142 (0) 2024-09-22 7:23 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Waix Human Маг 6867901 105464 2 0 1694 (+32) 1056 (+96)
Adovayababa Human Жрец 342607 5639357 0 0 1575 (+40) 192 (+96)
Mellxx Human Жрец 129825 4749263 0 1 1680 (-30) 1142 (0)
Octoban Human Охотник 5826429 2084733 0 1 1718 (-31) 1496 (0)
4403 Win 1142 (+86) 2024-09-22 3:09 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 332377 2138119 0 0 1710 (+13) 1142 (+86)
Octoban Human Охотник 2718369 756295 2 0 1749 (+11) 1496 (+50)
Letifer Dwarf Шаман 1257421 538750 0 1 1458 (-11) 0 (0)
Трипальца Human Монах 1165699 1215042 0 1 1444 (-11) 192 (0)
4401 Win 1056 (+96) 2024-09-22 4:42 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 371682 4067517 0 0 1697 (+13) 1056 (+96)
Octoban Human Охотник 5199035 1460865 2 0 1738 (+11) 1446 (+57)
Dollmaster Human Монах 2621255 2060891 0 1 1435 (-11) 192 (0)
Трипальца Human Монах 2155287 2308860 0 1 1455 (-12) 192 (0)
4400 Win 960 (+96) 2024-09-22 7:54 Ashamane's Fall +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mellxx Human Жрец 213904 9763124 0 0 1684 (+26) 960 (+96)
Octoban Human Охотник 6769977 2504903 1 0 1727 (+23) 1389 (+81)
Unbørn Human Рыцарь Смерти 9539805 648934 0 1 1576 (-21) 1548 (-19)
Олеандр Human Монах 809286 6166363 0 0 1641 (-25) 1620 (-24)