
  • 游戏世界: PandaWoW Fun
  • 公会名称: Blood of the Pure
  • 公会等级: 2
  • 成员数: 9
  • 经验: 440000
  • 今日经验: 0
  • 银行存款: 0 0 0
  • 创建于: 2021-06-18
  • 平均装备等级: 580
  • 平均角色等级: 90
  • 平均竞技场等级 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

We will make weekly events, For example roll event and we will have like 1-2 BIG pvp events per month, and the rewards varies from mounts to characters and CM and all that good stuff. Be sure to be active to recieve these rewards .


Darkgorilla 获得 811652023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811682023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811632023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811662023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811612023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811622023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811642023-05-07
Darkgorilla 获得 811672023-05-07
Cycleboom 获得成就:57942023-05-05
公会已达到等级 2!2022-03-02
Codrin 获得 811682022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811652022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811632022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811612022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811662022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811622022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811642022-02-20
Codrin 获得 811672022-02-20
Cycleboom 获得 1031472022-02-03
Darkgorilla 获得 665402022-01-07


Only for the true blood gods.


Darkgorilla90The Blood God
Darkgoriilla90Full Blood God
Cominghome90Full Blood God
Darkstabber90Blood God
Nightwall90Pure Member
Cominghomed90Pure Member
Dagnydsdsa90Pure Member
Kaireynna90Pure Member
Cycleboom90New - Blood