- Mundo del juego: PandaWoW Fun
- Nombre de hermandad: Wardog Morgue
- Nivel de hermandad: 25
- Miembros: 254
- Experiencia: 30000
- Experiencia hoy: 0
- Dinero: 937230
- Creado: 2018-10-25
- La media de nivel de objetos: 550
- La media de nivel de miembros: 90
La media de indice de arena 2x2/3x3/5x5:
0 /
0 /
Guild Ranks -
1. Wardog - People with info.
2. Bloodrider - Helpful, active, and loyal wardogs.
3. Battle Champion - Bloodriders who are 550 ilvl.
4. Morgue Elite - Best pvpers of the guild, ask an officer for more info on how to become one.
5. Honor Guard - Officers appointed by Tottz or other warlords.
Leaving premades will result in a warning, the second time is a demotion.
Being offline for 20 days on your main will lead to a gkick, 30 for alts.