
  • Mundo del juego: PandaWoW Fun
  • Nombre de hermandad: FURMETAL WINTRADING RAT
  • Nivel de hermandad: 25
  • Miembros: 1745
  • Experiencia: 267296
  • Experiencia hoy: 0
  • Dinero: 528672 22 96
  • Creado: 2015-10-19
  • La media de nivel de objetos: 517
  • La media de nivel de miembros: 90
  • La media de indice de arena 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

Furmetal is a furry who is into all kinds of yiff.

He was also a chat moderator on this realm but was removed because he was abusing his power. What a bad kitty.

He had a night elf druid called Hioshiru (also used to be his chat moderating character) that he sold because it was so shamed. lel

Now he currently plays on a night elf druid called Celt.

As the guild name shows, he is a wintrading rat. He shamelessly shows off his illegitimate 2.7k rate on the forums. *facepalm*


Thnderfury despojo 1022712020-09-01
Thnderfury ha ganado el logro 57942020-08-28
Thnderfury despojo 1039822020-08-28
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse creo 775392020-08-20
Søigneuse despojo 942922020-08-15
Коловрат ha ganado el logro 52012020-07-25
Коловрат ha ganado el logro 49482020-07-25
Héll ha ganado el logro 73792020-06-16
Virava despojo 1039822020-06-11
Axellerxd ha ganado el logro 25362020-06-11
Axellerxd despojo 901032020-06-07
Axellerxd despojo 901012020-06-07
Axellerxd despojo 901022020-06-07
Axellerxd despojo 900972020-06-07
Axellerxd despojo 901002020-06-07

Mensaje diario

Welcome. Anyone can invite. Spread the word! Furmetal's current character: Celt - night elf druid (main)/Kekd - human warrior


Miembros conectados
Powax473A7C90bad feral
Bdzfht473A8D90bad feral
Woden473B2690bad feral
Холщт473B4B90bad feral
Makcim473B6990bad feral
Ненари473B6E90bad feral
Гогогогогого90bad feral
Воласа473BBA90bad feral
Димаки473BC990bad feral
Maglio473BDC90bad feral
Тарнар473BE690bad feral
Иттына473BE790bad feral
Камери473C2290bad feral
Тельна473C7C90bad feral
Theel473C8590bad feral
Dodins473CAA90bad feral
Убюзар473CAE90bad feral
Асириа473CB890bad feral
Akaruy473CED90bad feral
Lekoro473CF390bad feral
Колчен473D0990bad feral
Cherni473D0E90bad feral
Crazip473D9790bad feral
Kazimo473D9990bad feral
Ворген473DBC90bad feral
Rreill473DC390bad feral
Joosue473DE990bad feral
Lemonz473DF690bad feral
Puncke473E0590bad feral
Frozzy473E1D90bad feral