
  • Realm: PandaWoW Fun
  • Guild name: MVPs of PandaWoW
  • Guld level: 1
  • Members: 2
  • Experience: 3600000
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 19710 54 42
  • Created: 2020-06-15
  • Average item level: 550
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

The best PvP players on PandaWoW.
Here to help eachother up our game!
Toxic Players will be removed!

Rules :

No trash talking about another player in the guild.

Always help your Guildmates

Always trash talk non Guild members


Guild achievement earned: 53622020-06-15
Create 0 0 {0}2020-06-15

Message of the day

Welcome to the guild of MVPs!


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Whitewallker90Guild Master