
  • Realm: PandaWoW Fun
  • Guild name: wakE bakE
  • Guld level: 1
  • Members: 1
  • Experience: 18125
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 0 0 0
  • Created: 2015-02-28
  • Average item level: 0
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

This guild is PVP oriented ofcourse.

Guildleader is:Inhalemybutt player from pandashan (Tny)
Officer is Ponytail Whisper us if you have any question!

We are prepairing LiveStreams,Guild Events,High Rated arenas and more!


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Message of the day

Welcome back!


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Vecus3886B390Guild Master