Event | Date |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 12 | 2024-01-05 |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 5794 | 2024-01-05 |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 11 | 2024-01-04 |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 10 | 2024-01-04 |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 9 | 2024-01-04 |
Kikirogue earned the achievement 8 | 2024-01-04 |
Ballisticz crafted 32474 | 2023-12-30 |
Numidas crafted 74248 | 2023-12-30 |
Lulucaty looted 84985 | 2023-12-28 |
Lulucaty looted 84872 | 2023-12-28 |
Numidas crafted 74248 | 2023-12-28 |
Petsmother looted 84804 | 2023-12-25 |
Numidas crafted 74248 | 2023-12-23 |
Lulucaty looted 80008 | 2023-12-23 |
Lulucaty looted 83006 | 2023-12-23 |
Phobiam looted 85098 | 2023-12-22 |
Numidas crafted 74248 | 2023-12-22 |
Water looted 85099 | 2023-12-21 |
Numidas crafted 74248 | 2023-12-20 |
Guild achievement earned: 5032 | 2023-12-19 |
Nickname | Level | Guild Rank |
Juzzo | 90 | Guild Master |
Slow | 90 | Officer |
Tornike | 90 | Officer |
Pertika | 90 | Icecrown |
Kucaa | 90 | Icecrown |
Foxiela | 90 | Icecrown |
Aflilock | 90 | Icecrown |
Bloodshot | 90 | Icecrown |
Sxh | 90 | Icecrown |
Blodshot | 90 | Icecrown |
Gruz | 90 | Icecrown |
Mortaltouch | 90 | Icecrown |
Huargen | 21 | Icecrown |
Ese | 90 | Icecrown |
Invvokerii | 90 | Icecrown |
Magel | 90 | Icecrown |
Kaiah | 90 | Icecrown |
Biohazard | 90 | Icecrown |
Mkerdi | 90 | Icecrown |
Juzzoo | 20 | Icecrown |
Trapdance | 90 | Icecrown |
Georgiansoul | 90 | Icecrown |
Netflix | 90 | Icecrown |
Kalasha | 90 | Icecrown |
Pofu | 90 | Icecrown |
Wukong | 90 | Icecrown |
Greywolf | 90 | Icecrown |
Noheal | 90 | Icecrown |
Gcdhackermvp | 90 | Icecrown |
Juuzzo | 90 | Icecrown |