
  • Realm: PandaWoW Fun
  • Guild name: The Final Solution
  • Guld level: 2
  • Members: 8
  • Experience: 17200000
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 0 0 0
  • Created: 2019-02-12
  • Average item level: 550
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0


Weehee looted 185622020-03-20
Weehee looted 193622020-03-20
Weehee looted 17282020-03-20
Weehee looted 193582020-03-20
Weehee looted 22442020-03-20
Weehee looted 6472020-03-20
Weehee crafted 171822020-03-19
Vexees crafted 171932020-03-19
Vexees crafted 171932020-03-19
Vexees crafted 171932020-03-19
Vexees crafted 171932020-03-19
Vexees crafted 171932020-03-19
Weehee looted 172042020-03-19
Weehee looted 145572020-03-19
Weehee looted 11682020-03-19
Vexees crafted 186282020-03-19
Vexees looted 29152020-03-19
Vexees looted 8332020-03-19
Vexees looted 21002020-03-19
Vexees looted 8092020-03-19

Message of the day

If you're a jew and still alive, consider yourself lucky


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Mörkhyad90Joseph Stalin
Mtvcribz90Joseph Stalin
Hermustang90Vladimir Lenin
Woriarr90Vladimir Lenin
Weehee90Vladimir Lenin
Vexees90Vladimir Lenin
Böckling90Vladimir Lenin