Event | Date |
Polite looted 103169 | 2021-12-03 |
Polite looted 103164 | 2021-12-02 |
Polite looted 103189 | 2021-12-02 |
Polite looted 103212 | 2021-12-02 |
Polite looted 103333 | 2021-07-04 |
Polite looted 83007 | 2021-07-04 |
Polite looted 32078 | 2020-08-05 |
Polite earned the achievement 4948 | 2020-08-05 |
Polite earned the achievement 5201 | 2020-08-05 |
Guild achievement earned: 7843 | 2020-08-05 |
Guild achievement earned: 7844 | 2020-08-05 |
Ðaniløgbs earned the achievement 509 | 2020-07-06 |
Polite crafted 94278 | 2020-06-28 |
Badb looted 34194 | 2020-05-06 |
Badb looted 34194 | 2020-05-06 |
Badb looted 34857 | 2020-05-06 |
Badb looted 34857 | 2020-05-06 |
Badb looted 34854 | 2020-05-06 |
Badb looted 34183 | 2020-05-06 |
Polite crafted 43585 | 2020-02-27 |
Nickname | Level | Guild Rank |
Alcrogue | 90 | Guild Master |
Dowqt | 90 | Coronel |
Analua | 90 | Coronel |
Ðaniløgbs | 90 | Soldado |
Присту570E72 | 90 | Soldado |
Styh575CB0 | 90 | Soldado |
Заець | 90 | Recruta |
Lixxa | 90 | Recruta |
Gnomishltu | 90 | Recruta |
Geikan342297 | 90 | Recruta |
Yäkuna | 90 | Recruta |
Варчикмен | 90 | Recruta |
Beelon4C28C8 | 90 | Recruta |
Wampir4D0764 | 90 | Recruta |
Bruced4FD281 | 90 | Recruta |
Heilee | 90 | Recruta |
Torryy | 90 | Recruta |
Sohapp513712 | 90 | Recruta |
Sadgir515C0F | 90 | Recruta |
Exclui520D4D | 90 | Recruta |
Danrat | 90 | Recruta |
Meisjohn | 90 | Recruta |
Bosana55BB45 | 90 | Recruta |
Crazys55C56E | 90 | Recruta |
Crazzm56E276 | 90 | Recruta |
Drrogb579B77 | 90 | Recruta |
Huseyn57C937 | 90 | Recruta |
Pandao57CD5E | 90 | Recruta |
Chipollino | 90 | Recruta |
Shadow57DE92 | 90 | Recruta |