
  • Realm: PandaWoW x5
  • Guild name: Величие
  • Guld level: 3
  • Members: 3
  • Experience: 19420000
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 0 0 0
  • Created: 2022-05-23
  • Average item level: 515
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0


Ябыдло looted 865472022-05-29
Ябыдло earned the achievement 69252022-05-29
Айвена crafted 687752022-05-28
Айвена earned the achievement 49242022-05-28
Айвена earned the achievement 57942022-05-28
Айвена earned the achievement 132022-05-28
Guild has reached level 22022-05-28
Айвена earned the achievement 122022-05-28
Айвена looted 218912022-05-27
Айвена looted 216632022-05-27
Айвена looted 216942022-05-27
Айвена looted 216942022-05-27
Айвена looted 216902022-05-27
Айвена looted 218382022-05-27
Айвена looted 217072022-05-27
Айвена looted 212202022-05-27
Айвена earned the achievement 112022-05-27
Айвена earned the achievement 102022-05-25
Айвена earned the achievement 92022-05-25
Айвена earned the achievement 82022-05-24

Message of the day

Самая отбитая ОПГ сервера приветствует вас !


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Айвена90Мастер гильдии