
  • Realm: x100 OLD (Transfer)
  • Guild name: RISING
  • Guld level: 4
  • Members: 13
  • Experience: 10380000
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 140841 45 88
  • Created: 2020-04-19
  • Average item level: 536
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

Профессии нашей гильдии:
Горное дело - 610
Травничество - 345
Начертание - 345
Алхимия - 375
Инженерное дело - 600
Кузнечное дело - 600

Если требуются какие-либо ингредиенты, помощь в каче, пишите на почту мастеру гильдии Ruvalpone.
Таков путь.

Professions of our guild:
Mining engineering -610
Herbalism - 345
Tracing - 345
Alchemy - 375
Engineering - 600
Blacksmith craft - 600

If you need any ingredients, help with pumping, write to me in the mail Ruvalpone!
This is the way.


Vallpone looted 1043472020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022672020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1023202020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022912020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022692020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022632020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022682020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022662020-05-24
Vallpone looted 1022642020-05-24
Vallpone earned the achievement 61932020-05-24
Lionpi looted 1022802020-05-24
Vallpone earned the achievement 48262020-05-24
Vallpone earned the achievement 132020-05-24
Vallpone earned the achievement 132020-05-24
Vallpone earned the achievement 122020-05-23
Vallpone earned the achievement 112020-05-22
Vallpone earned the achievement 102020-05-22
Vallpone earned the achievement 92020-05-22
Vallpone earned the achievement 82020-05-22
Vallpone earned the achievement 72020-05-22

Message of the day

No message set.


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Ruvalpone90Мастер гильдии
Herqe90Старший офицер
Дорпи90Старший офицер
Lionpi90Старший офицер
Koiw90Старший офицер
Diegofarm90Старший офицер
Waswee90Старший офицер
Ytrik90Старший офицер
Vallpone90Старший офицер