
  • Realm: PandaWoW x100
  • Guild name: ЗОО ТРАКТАРИСТОВ
  • Guld level: 13
  • Members: 214
  • Experience: 11770000
  • Experience today: 420000
  • Money: 9495 49 41
  • Created: 2025-03-01
  • Average item level: 1
  • Average characters level: 32
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

Тракторный СТАН работает 24/7 ездим в осаду за инстументами, заезжаем в ангар "Свято Орды", Выбиваем запчасти из падонков
А так же чиним трактора на которых заезжаем в ангар "Свято Орды"


Pris looted Drape of the Omega2025-03-18
Laxhar earned the achievement Level 302025-03-18
Laxhar earned the achievement Time Flies When You're Having Fun2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Skyshard2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Simf looted Relic of the Thunder King2025-03-18
Laxhar earned the achievement Level 202025-03-18
Токсикоз looted Greater Crane Wing Inscription2025-03-18

Message of the day

Ездим к Дане каждый день, при себе иметь цемент. Тракторная рация: Пишите в заметках имя !


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank

Greater Crane Wing Inscription

Use: Permanently adds 200 Intellect and 100 critical strike to a shoulder slot item.

Enchanting the item causes it to become soulbound.

Requires Level 85
1 Charge
Sell Price: 1 87 50