
  • Realm: PandaWoW Fun
  • Guld level: 25
  • Members: 1745
  • Experience: 267296
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 528672 22 96
  • Created: 2015-10-19
  • Average item level: 517
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

Furmetal is a furry who is into all kinds of yiff.

He was also a chat moderator on this realm but was removed because he was abusing his power. What a bad kitty.

He had a night elf druid called Hioshiru (also used to be his chat moderating character) that he sold because it was so shamed. lel

Now he currently plays on a night elf druid called Celt.

As the guild name shows, he is a wintrading rat. He shamelessly shows off his illegitimate 2.7k rate on the forums. *facepalm*


Bestia looted 1022752024-02-28
Aluskauss looted 1031632023-11-20
Kotemaster looted 391912023-01-17
Kotemaster looted 391902023-01-17
Karatelnitca earned the achievement 5092022-08-11
Wildform looted 1031952022-05-03
Popoaa looted 1043472021-11-17
Popoaa looted 1022902021-11-17
Deadmazay earned the achievement 52012021-07-14
Varvus earned the achievement 52012021-06-05
Пореган earned the achievement 52012021-04-22
Guild achievement earned: 51312021-03-30
Ezzraeliya earned the achievement 57942021-02-17
Шини earned the achievement 87082021-02-13
Холечка earned the achievement 66192021-01-16
Xfcxdf looted 374012020-11-06
Xfcxdf looted 441512020-11-06
Xfcxdf looted 510022020-11-04
Xfcxdf looted 508112020-11-04
Xfcxdf looted 509862020-11-04

Message of the day

Welcome. Anyone can invite. Spread the word! Furmetal's current character: Celt - night elf druid (main)/Kekd - human warrior


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Cxvxcvsdfqwe90bad feral
Октаха90bad feral
Mypmypmay90bad feral
Mitrondires90bad feral
Коловрат90bad feral