
  • Realm: PandaWoW Fun
  • Guild name: The Legion
  • Guld level: 25
  • Members: 103
  • Experience: 860551
  • Experience today: 0
  • Money: 100528 47 25
  • Created: 2013-10-31
  • Average item level: 0
  • Average characters level: 90
  • Average arena rating 2x2/3x3/5x5: 0 / 0 / 0

Invite players if you can.


1. Only English. None English speakers will get kicked out from the guild.


1. Kekwaz (PvP/PvE)
2. Shamanistic (PvP/Pve)


Guild achievement earned: 51302021-08-26
Guild achievement earned: 51292021-08-26
Normaal looted 190182020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal crafted 177712020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20
Normaal looted 193622020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20
Normaal looted 185622020-08-20

Message of the day

Welcome to "The Legion". English speaking people only.


Members online
NicknameLevelGuild Rank
Shaofa25242690Legion's Minion
Hokuzo254AF390Legion's Minion
Bagaty25572E90Legion's Minion
Serani255B3D90Legion's Minion
Luria25605C90Legion's Minion
Stape26A6F690Legion's Minion
Teerry2A9BAD90Legion's Minion
Dujmo2A9BBF90Legion's Minion
Dujmoo2A9C7390Legion's Minion
Garos2FE9D090Legion's Minion
Novanm31660590Legion's Minion
Buccos3C668890Legion's Minion
Morgga3E346290Legion's Minion