
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 9 9 / 0 100 --
Season 50 38 / 12 76 1910
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
21214 Win 1910 (+7) 2023-06-19 1:26 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 374845 0 0 0 1947 (+6) 1891 (+7)
Охотница Human Охотник 244946 0 1 0 1952 (+6) 1910 (+7)
Noanh Orc Рыцарь Смерти 0 0 0 0 1495 (0) 0 (0)
Yyeriit Worgen Друид 0 0 0 1 1495 (-5) 0 (0)
21213 Win 1903 (+8) 2023-06-19 1:43 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1097045 630602 1 0 1941 (+7) 1884 (+9)
Охотница Human Охотник 679268 309993 1 0 1946 (+7) 1903 (+8)
Luksiori Night Elf Друид 0 440032 0 1 1486 (-5) 768 (0)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 641913 47244 0 1 1581 (-7) 1488 (-9)
21211 Win 1895 (+9) 2023-06-19 2:09 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1105706 415905 0 0 1934 (+7) 1875 (+9)
Охотница Human Охотник 1177026 336729 1 0 1939 (+7) 1895 (+9)
Luksiori Night Elf Друид 0 1010865 0 0 1491 (-5) 768 (0)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 634596 112040 0 1 1588 (-8) 1497 (-5)
21210 Win 1886 (+9) 2023-06-19 3:24 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1938753 1286956 0 0 1927 (+8) 1866 (+10)
Охотница Human Охотник 1889720 1044524 2 0 1932 (+8) 1886 (+9)
Luksiori Night Elf Друид 86366 2361962 0 1 1496 (-5) 768 (0)
Bloodstrike Human Воин 1802031 240432 0 1 1596 (-8) 1502 (-5)
21208 Win 1877 (+14) 2023-06-19 1:55 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1221704 1143912 0 0 1919 (+12) 1856 (+15)
Охотница Human Охотник 972002 182311 2 0 1924 (+11) 1877 (+14)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 797209 881718 0 1 1659 (-12) 1574 (-8)
Goaty Human Охотник 423940 151179 0 1 1610 (-9) 1234 (0)
21207 Win 1863 (+15) 2023-06-19 1:48 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1108905 749399 0 0 1907 (+13) 1841 (+17)
Охотница Human Охотник 684406 83920 2 0 1913 (+13) 1863 (+15)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 838921 527497 0 1 1671 (-13) 1582 (0)
Goaty Human Охотник 205940 135195 0 1 1619 (-10) 1234 (0)
21206 Win 1848 (+17) 2023-06-19 1:42 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 729159 377680 1 0 1894 (+14) 1824 (+19)
Охотница Human Охотник 714675 211034 1 0 1900 (+14) 1848 (+17)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 520939 93738 0 1 1684 (-15) 1582 (0)
Goaty Human Охотник 146917 135598 0 1 1629 (-12) 1234 (0)
21204 Win 1831 (+19) 2023-06-19 1:44 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 901483 429795 0 0 1880 (+16) 1805 (+21)
Охотница Human Охотник 593864 63107 1 0 1886 (+15) 1831 (+19)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 717760 915711 0 1 1699 (-16) 1582 (0)
Goaty Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1641 (0) 1234 (0)
21203 Win 1812 (+4) 2023-06-19 1:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lightflex Human Паладин 1249251 567325 2 0 1864 (+3) 1784 (+5)
Охотница Human Охотник 395764 172468 0 0 1871 (+3) 1812 (+4)
Вребро Orc Шаман 677179 64705 0 1 1288 (-2) 1222 (-3)
Пристнах Blood Elf Жрец 78070 290259 0 1 1291 (-2) 1225 (-3)
20428 Lose 1808 (-35) 2023-06-15 4:38 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Колосажатель Orc Воин 3662883 113008 1 0 1604 (+42) 288 (+96)
Maeve Human Паладин 156090 3762803 1 0 1604 (+42) 288 (+96)
Охотница Human Охотник 2700503 1121514 0 1 1868 (-37) 1808 (-35)
Thebadpala Human Паладин 1362849 1727605 0 1 1664 (-31) 1594 (-28)