
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 41 21 / 20 51 1522
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
30603 Lose 1522 (-8) 2022-08-20 2:34 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Paralord Human Воин 1643763 0 1 0 1854 (+12) 1837 (+12)
Randomclonex Night Elf Друид 275064 2197361 0 0 1900 (+10) 1900 (+10)
Holyadude Night Elf Друид 1442114 812378 0 0 1591 (-11) 1594 (-11)
Mymyl Human Охотник 1099304 496228 0 1 1543 (-9) 1522 (-8)
30602 Lose 1530 (-8) 2022-08-20 1:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Paralord Human Воин 669964 0 1 0 1842 (+13) 1825 (+14)
Randomclonex Night Elf Друид 725 1300959 0 0 1890 (+10) 1890 (+10)
Holyadude Night Elf Друид 1161886 0 0 0 1602 (-12) 1605 (-12)
Mymyl Human Охотник 237595 62394 0 1 1552 (-9) 1530 (-8)
30601 Lose 1538 (-9) 2022-08-20 2:25 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Paralord Human Воин 1370198 0 0 0 1829 (+14) 1811 (+15)
Randomclonex Night Elf Друид 298349 1325410 1 0 1880 (+11) 1880 (+11)
Holyadude Night Elf Друид 627295 360444 0 0 1614 (-13) 1617 (-13)
Mymyl Human Охотник 705588 512110 0 1 1561 (-10) 1538 (-9)
30472 Lose 1547 (-7) 2022-08-20 2:56 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Snipe Human Охотник 1838046 147817 1 0 2018 (+6) 2017 (+6)
Xfnn Human Паладин 96051 1578362 1 0 1808 (+14) 1819 (+13)
Scripter Human Монах 927303 484321 0 1 1570 (-8) 1581 (-9)
Mymyl Human Охотник 661678 293932 0 1 1571 (-8) 1547 (-7)
30468 Win 1554 (+28) 2022-08-20 6:11 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scripter Human Монах 3859087 1630745 2 0 1578 (+26) 1590 (+26)
Mymyl Human Охотник 1003483 223680 0 1 1579 (+26) 1554 (+28)
Gozmerza Human Охотник 415899 260546 1 1 1514 (-26) 1531 (-27)
Tailang Human Паладин 2230179 2805128 0 1 1509 (-25) 1488 (-24)
30467 Lose 1526 (-7) 2022-08-20 2:20 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Snipe Human Охотник 1602099 396193 2 0 2008 (+6) 2007 (+6)
Xfnn Human Паладин 68734 900270 0 0 1783 (+14) 1795 (+14)
Scripter Human Монах 471524 159355 0 1 1552 (-8) 1564 (-9)
Mymyl Human Охотник 655498 311532 0 1 1553 (-8) 1526 (-7)
30463 Win 1533 (+61) 2022-08-20 4:17 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scripter Human Монах 2496038 1391792 2 0 1560 (+30) 1573 (+30)
Mymyl Human Охотник 971395 160465 0 1 1561 (+30) 1533 (+61)
Gozmerza Human Охотник 656587 540002 1 1 1548 (-28) 1567 (-29)
Tailang Human Паладин 1625571 1975787 0 1 1542 (-28) 1519 (-27)
30462 Win 1472 (+71) 2022-08-20 3:18 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scripter Human Монах 720243 501622 1 0 1530 (+35) 1543 (+34)
Mymyl Human Охотник 1219159 507311 1 0 1531 (+35) 1472 (+71)
Gozmerza Human Охотник 919831 677210 0 1 1576 (-30) 1596 (-31)
Tailang Human Паладин 372635 750822 0 1 1570 (-30) 1546 (-29)
30459 Lose 1401 (-34) 2022-08-20 1:48 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gozmerza Human Охотник 693677 166006 2 0 1579 (+25) 1601 (+24)
Tailang Human Паладин 778746 26727 0 0 1572 (+26) 1545 (+28)
Scripter Human Монах 188875 133646 0 1 1495 (-24) 1509 (-25)
Mymyl Human Охотник 154252 195348 0 1 1496 (-25) 1401 (-34)
30458 Lose 1435 (0) 2022-08-20 2:03 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gozmerza Human Охотник 1211980 521033 2 0 1554 (+29) 1577 (+27)
Tailang Human Паладин 751037 765132 0 0 1546 (+30) 1517 (+59)
Scripter Human Монах 669495 513694 0 1 1519 (-27) 1534 (-28)
Mymyl Human Охотник 719439 161920 0 1 1521 (-27) 1435 (0)