
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 336 116 / 220 34 1506
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
11996 Lose 1328 (-15) 2022-10-06 3:07 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1886779 16198 2 0 1684 (+10) 1449 (+44)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 299682 1806235 0 0 1660 (+11) 1342 (+59)
Rhythmn Human Разбойник 518120 0 0 1 1354 (-9) 1329 (-15)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 1390098 695479 0 1 1365 (-10) 1328 (-15)
11995 Lose 1343 (-17) 2022-10-06 1:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1008264 1 1 0 1674 (+11) 1405 (+52)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 7999 2012724 0 0 1649 (+12) 1283 (+68)
Rhythmn Human Разбойник 1187683 0 0 0 1363 (-10) 1344 (-17)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 902014 0 0 1 1375 (-11) 1343 (-17)
11993 Lose 1360 (-20) 2022-10-06 1:48 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 828051 266142 0 0 1663 (+12) 1353 (+60)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 11084 1156786 0 0 1637 (+13) 1215 (+76)
Rhythmn Human Разбойник 649839 0 0 0 1373 (-11) 1361 (-20)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 847722 273737 0 0 1386 (-12) 1360 (-20)
11992 Lose 1380 (-23) 2022-10-06 2:51 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1413333 36799 2 0 1651 (+13) 1293 (+69)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 254275 2228590 0 0 1624 (+14) 1139 (+83)
Rhythmn Human Разбойник 1012698 27832 0 1 1384 (-12) 1381 (-23)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 1378648 408046 0 1 1398 (-13) 1380 (-23)
11990 Win 1403 (+82) 2022-10-06 2:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rhythmn Human Разбойник 1088753 69580 1 0 1396 (+45) 1404 (+82)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 982970 357456 0 0 1411 (+45) 1403 (+82)
Badbxtch Human Маг 968969 123801 0 0 1638 (-36) 1224 (0)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 743764 0 1 1610 (-35) 1056 (0)
11945 Lose 1321 (-13) 2022-10-05 4:54 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Scarlettyh Human Охотник 4606172 1025534 1 0 1752 (+8) 1745 (+9)
Loleqt Human Жрец 0 2702275 0 0 1655 (+12) 1138 (+82)
Sereni Human Жрец 94911 2831177 0 0 1407 (-10) 672 (0)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 3579408 1133549 0 1 1366 (-8) 1321 (-13)
11943 Lose 1334 (-37) 2022-10-05 1:31 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hensonn Human Паладин 818001 30028 0 0 1491 (+24) 192 (+96)
Massimo Human Охотник 529986 5648 2 0 1469 (+26) 288 (+96)
Sereni Human Жрец 0 106323 0 1 1417 (-26) 672 (0)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 406635 0 0 1 1374 (-23) 1334 (-37)
11941 Lose 1371 (0) 2022-10-05 2:04 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Feeldarkness Troll Друид 642162 0 0 0 1728 (+11) 1713 (+12)
Massimo Human Охотник 781727 13221 2 0 1443 (+29) 192 (+96)
Sereni Human Жрец 57812 131264 0 1 1443 (-20) 672 (0)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1397 (0) 1371 (0)
11940 Lose 1399 (-28) 2022-10-05 1:55 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ertus Night Elf Друид 718730 254122 0 0 1610 (+18) 1603 (+19)
Вспышкахимер Orc Охотник 977894 134148 2 0 1610 (+19) 480 (+96)
Sereni Human Жрец 211152 144146 0 1 1463 (-19) 672 (0)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 468817 321216 0 1 1414 (-16) 1399 (-28)
11791 Win 1427 (+65) 2022-10-05 1:35 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Understated Human Охотник 500072 106893 2 0 1425 (+35) 1402 (+68)
Insidejoke Human Паладин 683789 0 0 0 1430 (+35) 1427 (+65)
3708371 106893 24450 0 1 1470 (-30) 0 (0)
8983423 145035 15678 0 1 1470 (-30) 0 (0)