
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 122 94 / 28 77 2032
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
26698 Lose 2032 (-28) 2022-11-28 3:05 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Костямортал Human Воин 2399155 18957 1 0 2094 (+21) 2092 (+21)
Dysmoral Human Монах 73710 3407553 0 0 1987 (+29) 1960 (+31)
Sweetdance Human Паладин 1447143 1475082 0 1 1876 (-18) 1875 (-18)
Skrill Orc Охотник 2177454 852315 0 0 2036 (-28) 2032 (-28)
26697 Lose 2060 (-30) 2022-11-28 7:29 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Костямортал Human Воин 5810066 202674 1 0 2073 (+24) 2071 (+25)
Dysmoral Human Монах 326100 11261535 0 0 1958 (+33) 1929 (+35)
Sweetdance Human Паладин 4472121 4465225 0 1 1894 (-22) 1893 (-22)
Skrill Orc Охотник 7051801 1657075 0 0 2064 (-30) 2060 (-30)
26619 Win 2090 (+8) 2022-11-27 2:34 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 26726 2165724 0 0 1911 (+17) 1728 (+30)
Skrill Orc Охотник 1740949 0 1 0 2094 (+8) 2090 (+8)
Allhunt Human Охотник 1380971 143728 0 0 1718 (-11) 1303 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 1134385 1184907 0 1 1735 (-12) 1632 (0)
26616 Win 2082 (+9) 2022-11-27 2:11 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 145705 915673 0 0 1894 (+18) 1698 (+32)
Skrill Orc Охотник 1450616 0 2 0 2086 (+8) 2082 (+9)
Allhunt Human Охотник 311492 106290 0 1 1715 (-11) 1226 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 557532 310712 0 1 1734 (-12) 1612 (0)
26613 Win 2073 (+9) 2022-11-27 3:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 96394 3396506 0 0 1876 (+19) 1666 (+35)
Skrill Orc Охотник 2367029 0 1 0 2078 (+9) 2073 (+9)
Allhunt Human Охотник 2292873 368821 0 0 1713 (-12) 1144 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 1209439 1751735 0 1 1734 (-13) 1592 (0)
26609 Win 2064 (+3) 2022-11-27 2:18 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 24407 745750 1 0 1857 (+8) 1631 (+19)
Skrill Orc Охотник 860001 52943 1 0 2069 (+3) 2064 (+3)
Minikity Human Разбойник 457947 0 0 1 1474 (-4) 1283 (0)
Human Разбойник 354100 0 0 1 1502 (-4) 96 (0)
26600 Win 2061 (+8) 2022-11-27 2:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Frequenciez Human Жрец 209620 2027644 0 0 1693 (+29) 1471 (+79)
Skrill Orc Охотник 1870445 0 1 0 2066 (+8) 2061 (+8)
Allhunt Human Охотник 1441553 200415 0 0 1659 (-14) 864 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 1127684 1356732 0 1 1684 (-16) 1471 (0)
26597 Win 2053 (+8) 2022-11-27 2:27 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Frequenciez Human Жрец 220599 1835788 1 0 1664 (+30) 1392 (+84)
Skrill Orc Охотник 1716909 763580 0 0 2058 (+7) 2053 (+8)
Allhunt Human Охотник 1162601 142763 0 0 1645 (-15) 768 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 1392794 1354399 0 1 1674 (-16) 1395 (0)
26593 Win 2045 (+7) 2022-11-27 3:03 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 115544 3087720 0 0 1849 (+16) 1612 (+32)
Skrill Orc Охотник 2497430 0 1 0 2051 (+7) 2045 (+7)
Allhunt Human Охотник 2216668 284670 0 0 1625 (-9) 576 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 1143614 1874546 0 1 1662 (-11) 1223 (0)
26592 Win 2038 (+8) 2022-11-27 2:43 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Divinevendor Human Паладин 98409 2695481 0 0 1833 (+18) 1580 (+36)
Skrill Orc Охотник 1732503 0 1 0 2044 (+7) 2038 (+8)
Allhunt Human Охотник 1773212 124755 0 0 1634 (-10) 576 (0)
Overwhelmed Human Паладин 923839 1216391 0 1 1673 (-12) 1223 (0)