
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 13 9 / 4 69 864
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
14693 Lose 864 (0) 2023-05-17 1:58 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapnotes Human Охотник 746747 18989 2 0 1558 (+27) 192 (+96)
Calson Human Паладин 9884 135698 0 0 1540 (+29) 1230 (+85)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 832264 74354 0 0 1663 (+20) 1593 (+25)
Lilmamaxd Human Паладин 0 236419 0 0 1466 (-22) 96 (0)
Returnz Human Монах 69735 0 0 1 1443 (-20) 96 (0)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 150048 111562 0 1 1600 (-29) 864 (0)
14692 Lose 864 (0) 2023-05-17 5:30 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapnotes Human Охотник 5763291 962568 1 0 1531 (+31) 96 (+96)
Calson Human Паладин 212184 6724989 0 0 1511 (+32) 1145 (+89)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 6813586 1074776 1 0 1643 (+23) 1568 (+28)
Lilmamaxd Human Паладин 17804 8882108 0 0 1488 (-25) 96 (0)
Returnz Human Монах 4102545 593788 0 1 1463 (-23) 96 (0)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 4036547 1936537 0 1 1629 (-30) 864 (0)
14691 Win 864 (+96) 2023-05-17 5:33 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lilmamaxd Human Паладин 34336 9676174 0 0 1513 (+33) 96 (+96)
Returnz Human Монах 4856998 529521 2 0 1486 (+35) 96 (+96)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 4387868 1319545 0 0 1659 (+22) 864 (+96)
Calson Human Паладин 161848 6660616 0 1 1479 (-25) 1056 (0)
Flexgodx Human Маг 3785628 651283 0 1 1505 (-27) 96 (0)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 7575304 697972 0 0 1620 (-30) 1540 (-28)
14689 Win 768 (+96) 2023-05-17 1:43 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Xpllowz Human Паладин 15996 916623 0 0 1559 (+25) 576 (+96)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 1170229 111343 1 0 1650 (+19) 1568 (+24)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 1224574 189532 1 0 1637 (+20) 768 (+96)
Lilmamaxd Human Паладин 742802 257857 0 1 1480 (-20) 0 (0)
Slamnotes Human Воин 492817 50406 0 1 1480 (-20) 0 (0)
Luksiori Night Elf Друид 0 747817 0 0 1480 (-20) 0 (0)
14688 Win 672 (+96) 2023-05-17 4:21 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Xpllowz Human Паладин 26833 8807308 0 0 1534 (+32) 480 (+96)
Flexgodx Human Маг 3174141 478898 0 0 1532 (+32) 96 (+96)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 4228781 685588 2 0 1617 (+26) 672 (+96)
Calson Human Паладин 160672 5022332 0 1 1504 (-26) 1056 (0)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 7317599 926745 0 0 1631 (-31) 1544 (0)
Kittie Night Elf Друид 2650240 545794 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)
14686 Win 576 (+96) 2023-05-17 2:45 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Calson Human Паладин 143003 2141614 0 0 1530 (+27) 1056 (+96)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 3905748 197089 2 0 1662 (+18) 1544 (+49)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 1582135 729926 1 0 1591 (+23) 576 (+96)
Xpllowz Human Паладин 0 3503103 0 1 1502 (-23) 384 (0)
Bakii Human Охотник 1470495 379618 0 1 1434 (-19) 0 (0)
Fallengodx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1461141 112630 0 1 1505 (-24) 96 (0)
14685 Lose 480 (0) 2023-05-17 4:40 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Calson Human Паладин 182022 5486804 0 0 1503 (+30) 960 (+96)
Lampz Human Чернокнижник 7319207 897548 3 0 1644 (+20) 1495 (+58)
Fallengodx Human Рыцарь Смерти 4296766 702771 0 0 1529 (+29) 96 (+96)
Returnz Human Монах 108836 7883727 0 1 1451 (-23) 0 (0)
Bakii Human Охотник 3986327 1646698 0 1 1453 (-23) 0 (0)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 2471934 1188776 0 1 1568 (-28) 480 (0)
10279 Win 480 (+96) 2023-04-23 2:29 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 2122842 82161 0 0 1647 (+19) 1056 (+96)
Notpf Orc Монах 647940 74221 1 0 1506 (+29) 96 (+96)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 355309 1199127 1 0 1596 (+22) 480 (+96)
Теруку Human Паладин 27760 1641933 0 1 1426 (-19) 96 (0)
Todz Human Воин 682715 12570 0 1 1478 (-22) 0 (0)
Алёна Human Монах 753836 176563 0 0 1515 (-25) 480 (0)
10278 Win 384 (+96) 2023-04-23 3:01 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 2604794 1109630 1 0 1628 (+19) 960 (+96)
Алёна Human Монах 2422777 481557 1 0 1540 (+25) 480 (+96)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 98468 1607648 0 0 1574 (+23) 384 (+96)
Теруку Human Паладин 70997 2641452 0 1 1445 (-20) 96 (0)
Ifedyourcat Human Маг 1434001 128963 0 1 1456 (-21) 0 (0)
Notpf Orc Монах 1808784 314585 0 0 1477 (-23) 0 (0)
10275 Win 288 (+96) 2023-04-23 3:17 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 2764511 553064 2 0 1609 (+22) 864 (+96)
Nøøx Undead Маг 1082362 290312 0 0 1557 (+26) 192 (+96)
Lucicleide Human Жрец 79375 1437796 0 0 1551 (+26) 288 (+96)
Теруку Human Паладин 36835 1907927 0 1 1465 (-22) 96 (0)
Алёна Human Монах 759742 645237 0 0 1515 (-26) 384 (0)
Ifedyourcat Human Маг 1495068 115379 0 1 1477 (-23) 0 (0)