
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 67 41 / 26 61 1696
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
16496 Win 1696 (+27) 2022-10-23 2:20 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maddieqt Human Охотник 876171 0 1 0 1696 (+27) 1689 (+27)
Absentovna Human Монах 79927 803839 0 0 1703 (+26) 1696 (+27)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 270814 6627 0 0 1640 (-26) 1487 (0)
Poisionba Human Охотник 370578 446782 0 1 1630 (-25) 1566 (-21)
16495 Lose 1669 (-29) 2022-10-23 2:26 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 873019 0 0 0 1666 (+32) 1487 (+79)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1149252 486539 1 0 1655 (+33) 1587 (+38)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 906254 384691 0 1 1669 (-29) 1662 (-28)
Absentovna Human Монах 29894 1015266 0 0 1677 (-29) 1669 (-29)
16493 Lose 1698 (-31) 2022-10-23 2:10 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 743254 0 0 0 1634 (+36) 1408 (+86)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1076190 347385 1 0 1622 (+37) 1549 (+77)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 481354 243494 0 1 1698 (-31) 1690 (-31)
Absentovna Human Монах 0 1063177 0 0 1706 (-31) 1698 (-31)
16492 Win 1729 (+21) 2022-10-23 3:47 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maddieqt Human Охотник 1280825 0 1 0 1729 (+21) 1721 (+22)
Absentovna Human Монах 189094 3093371 0 0 1737 (+20) 1729 (+21)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 1437282 0 0 0 1598 (-20) 1322 (0)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1508481 850898 0 1 1585 (-19) 1472 (0)
16490 Win 1708 (+24) 2022-10-23 2:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maddieqt Human Охотник 964028 388692 1 0 1708 (+24) 1699 (+25)
Absentovna Human Монах 35247 1428883 0 0 1717 (+23) 1708 (+24)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 373682 0 0 0 1618 (-23) 1322 (0)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1317086 422651 0 1 1604 (-22) 1472 (0)
16489 Win 1684 (+28) 2022-10-22 2:48 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Maddieqt Human Охотник 1248211 0 1 0 1684 (+28) 1674 (+29)
Absentovna Human Монах 60010 1790380 0 0 1694 (+27) 1684 (+28)
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 872378 0 0 0 1641 (-27) 1322 (0)
Poisionba Human Охотник 995661 543925 0 1 1626 (-26) 1472 (0)
16488 Lose 1656 (-28) 2022-10-22 1:27 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 414210 0 0 0 1668 (+31) 1322 (+88)
Poisionba Human Охотник 309946 5028 1 0 1652 (+32) 1472 (+79)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 38652 0 0 1 1656 (-28) 1645 (-28)
Absentovna Human Монах 5028 46166 0 0 1667 (-29) 1656 (-28)
16486 Lose 1684 (-30) 2022-10-22 2:23 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 560747 167796 0 0 1637 (+35) 1234 (+92)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1171989 466415 1 0 1620 (+37) 1393 (+86)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 805279 301797 0 1 1684 (-30) 1673 (-30)
Absentovna Human Монах 197980 827704 0 0 1696 (-31) 1684 (-30)
16481 Lose 1714 (-32) 2022-10-22 11:35 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Pipirsmash Human Воин 17885101 123253 1 0 1544 (+43) 384 (+96)
Iwanthordmw Undead Монах 726486 15069102 0 0 1651 (+37) 1239 (+92)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 14546960 0 0 1 1714 (-32) 1703 (-32)
Absentovna Human Монах 525479 20489446 0 0 1727 (-33) 1714 (-32)
16477 Lose 1746 (-34) 2022-10-22 2:14 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mikoshi Human Разбойник 663550 0 0 0 1572 (+43) 960 (+96)
Poisionba Human Охотник 1090390 280919 1 0 1549 (+44) 1150 (+94)
Maddieqt Human Охотник 468063 0 0 1 1746 (-34) 1735 (-34)
Absentovna Human Монах 91040 915184 0 0 1760 (-35) 1746 (-34)