
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 0 0 / 0 0 0
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
56944 Win 1798 (+13) 2022-04-24 0:48 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Meiju Human Охотник 210184 0 1 0 1797 (+13) 1798 (+13)
Gunnars Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1580 (+27) 384 (+96)
Dhustt Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1634 (-26) 1633 (-26)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1419 (-12) 0 (0)
56943 Win 1785 (+15) 2022-04-24 0:52 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Meiju Human Охотник 218479 12151 1 0 1784 (+15) 1785 (+15)
Gunnars Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1553 (+30) 288 (+96)
Dhustt Human Паладин 14093 0 0 0 1660 (-28) 1659 (-28)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1431 (-14) 0 (0)
56635 Lose 1770 (-32) 2022-04-23 4:16 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Furiusreed Orc Охотник 663156 166402 0 0 1657 (+35) 960 (+96)
Soffi Human Паладин 728995 743509 2 0 1686 (+33) 1657 (+35)
Nisa Human Разбойник 476756 53044 0 1 1643 (-28) 1661 (-28)
Meiju Human Охотник 607896 272202 0 1 1769 (-32) 1770 (-32)
56633 Win 1802 (+19) 2022-04-23 1:38 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nisa Human Разбойник 425020 0 0 0 1671 (+29) 1689 (+27)
Meiju Human Охотник 769318 301259 2 0 1801 (+19) 1802 (+19)
Furiusreed Orc Охотник 329200 160196 0 1 1622 (-22) 864 (0)
Soffi Human Паладин 97601 23603 0 1 1653 (-24) 1622 (-22)
56625 Win 1783 (+10) 2022-04-23 2:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Meiju Human Охотник 1360689 240747 2 0 1782 (+10) 1783 (+10)
Gunnars Human Жрец 0 2658 0 0 1523 (+26) 192 (+96)
Велфел Human Жрец 181420 178312 0 1 1482 (-18) 0 (0)
Kusajishi Human Маг 61985 53057 0 1 1448 (-15) 0 (0)
56557 Lose 1773 (-4) 2022-04-23 0:35 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 209499 0 1 0 2227 (+2) 2227 (+2)
Melilamia Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 2227 (+2) 2221 (+2)
Meiju Human Охотник 13860 0 0 0 1772 (-4) 1773 (-4)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1461 (-1) 0 (0)
56556 Lose 1777 (-5) 2022-04-23 0:35 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 259387 0 1 0 2225 (+2) 2225 (+2)
Melilamia Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 2225 (+2) 2219 (+2)
Meiju Human Охотник 12270 11481 0 0 1776 (-5) 1777 (-5)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1462 (-1) 0 (0)
56554 Lose 1782 (-5) 2022-04-23 1:03 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 236762 0 1 0 2223 (+2) 2223 (+2)
Melilamia Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 2223 (+2) 2217 (+2)
Meiju Human Охотник 6606 0 0 0 1781 (-5) 1782 (-5)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1463 (-1) 0 (0)
56552 Lose 1787 (-5) 2022-04-23 0:34 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 200222 0 0 0 2221 (+2) 2221 (+2)
Melilamia Human Охотник 194816 0 1 0 2221 (+2) 2215 (+2)
Meiju Human Охотник 0 11481 0 0 1786 (-5) 1787 (-5)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1464 (-1) 0 (0)
56551 Lose 1792 (-5) 2022-04-23 0:35 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Holyavenger Human Паладин 322467 0 1 0 2219 (+2) 2219 (+2)
Melilamia Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 2219 (+2) 2213 (+2)
Meiju Human Охотник 6841 0 0 0 1791 (-5) 1792 (-5)
Gnome Чернокнижник 0 0 0 1 1465 (-1) 0 (0)