
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 14 4 / 10 28 --
Season 231 62 / 169 26 1210
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
148609 Lose 1329 (-23) 2020-12-18 4:58 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deathmáårch Human Воин 2968250 594567 3 0 1670 (+12) 1457 (+47)
Neverdiexdd Orc Монах 92074 1445447 0 0 1518 (+21) 1056 (+96)
Qya Draenei Жрец 205777 321850 0 2 1420 (-17) 768 (0)
Gormal Tauren Друид 1904527 916658 0 1 1340 (-13) 1329 (-23)
148607 Lose 1352 (-27) 2020-12-18 4:30 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deathmáårch Human Воин 6000949 0 2 0 1658 (+13) 1410 (+55)
Neverdiexdd Orc Монах 81205 4117565 0 0 1497 (+23) 960 (+96)
Qya Draenei Жрец 494072 4225187 0 1 1437 (-20) 768 (0)
Gormal Tauren Друид 3643882 534549 0 1 1353 (-14) 1352 (-27)
148114 Lose 1379 (-12) 2020-12-17 2:04 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Imdumbx Human Жрец 750936 125220 1 0 1546 (+17) 672 (+96)
Faze Human Паладин 1315284 655334 1 0 1999 (+3) 1999 (+3)
Massimo Human Охотник 431141 346916 0 1 1365 (-6) 1358 (-11)
Gormal Tauren Друид 617063 543083 0 1 1367 (-6) 1379 (-12)
148108 Win 1391 (+75) 2020-12-17 2:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Massimo Human Охотник 520456 429149 1 0 1371 (+42) 1369 (+77)
Gormal Tauren Друид 695174 226593 1 0 1373 (+42) 1391 (+75)
Combatlady Human Разбойник 550680 0 0 1 1526 (-33) 1543 (-34)
Titandamagex Human Охотник 434193 123163 0 1 1531 (-34) 1551 (-34)
148101 Lose 1316 (-30) 2020-12-17 2:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fiash Blood Elf Монах 1889906 558527 1 0 1518 (+17) 192 (+96)
Enragesource Tauren Друид 587128 710942 1 0 1507 (+18) 384 (+96)
Massimo Human Охотник 436390 423925 0 1 1329 (-17) 1292 (-27)
Gormal Tauren Друид 1023366 412792 0 1 1331 (-17) 1316 (-30)
148098 Lose 1346 (-36) 2020-12-17 1:56 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fiash Blood Elf Монах 1290679 802567 2 0 1501 (+20) 96 (+96)
Enragesource Tauren Друид 468066 0 0 0 1489 (+21) 288 (+96)
Massimo Human Охотник 459172 158925 0 1 1346 (-19) 1319 (-33)
Gormal Tauren Друид 554968 68520 0 1 1348 (-19) 1346 (-36)
148084 Win 1382 (+59) 2020-12-17 2:50 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Massimo Human Охотник 164170 153929 0 1 1365 (+33) 1352 (+63)
Gormal Tauren Друид 1130830 590439 2 0 1367 (+33) 1382 (+59)
Чарджнаодин Human Воин 608019 190699 1 1 1446 (-31) 864 (0)
Болемтрис Human Разбойник 711504 74304 0 1 1314 (-27) 96 (0)
148079 Win 1323 (+70) 2020-12-17 2:53 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Massimo Human Охотник 277363 231724 0 1 1332 (+37) 1289 (+73)
Gormal Tauren Друид 1130112 581816 2 0 1334 (+37) 1323 (+70)
Чарджнаодин Human Воин 695523 223494 0 1 1477 (-33) 864 (0)
Болемтрис Human Разбойник 763366 99072 1 1 1341 (-29) 96 (0)
148070 Lose 1253 (-10) 2020-12-17 2:45 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Jahaja Human Маг 1949643 224862 1 0 1664 (+8) 1666 (+8)
Ynaari Human Паладин 97700 1289312 1 0 1705 (+7) 1705 (+7)
Massimo Human Охотник 790797 327787 0 1 1295 (-6) 1216 (-8)
Gormal Tauren Друид 800458 497219 0 1 1297 (-6) 1253 (-10)
148063 Lose 1263 (-11) 2020-12-17 2:14 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Pixie Night Elf Рыцарь Смерти 1749813 226869 1 0 1640 (+9) 672 (+96)
Sedna Human Паладин 36348 1167563 1 0 1717 (+7) 1056 (+96)
Massimo Human Охотник 671065 572362 0 1 1301 (-7) 1224 (-9)
Gormal Tauren Друид 811455 272174 0 1 1303 (-7) 1263 (-11)