
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 65 24 / 41 36 1491
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
240956 Lose 1491 (-15) 2021-02-19 1:26 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
1926399 579548 0 0 0 1774 (+12) 1777 (+12)
Gladdeator Dwarf Шаман 54461 257278 0 0 1652 (+19) 1638 (+19)
8923438 407818 14831 1 0 1679 (+17) 1664 (+18)
Dotbad Troll Друид 29569 0 0 0 1533 (-18) 576 (0)
Antipro Human Воин 257047 13212 0 1 1469 (-14) 576 (0)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 182871 0 0 1450 (-13) 1491 (-15)
240949 Lose 1506 (-20) 2021-02-19 2:58 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вовакипяток Dwarf Шаман 1515662 292253 1 0 1612 (+25) 384 (+96)
Magenoobz Human Маг 2508758 33762 1 0 1588 (+27) 768 (+96)
Dovetwo Night Elf Друид 0 5380367 0 0 1756 (+16) 1610 (+25)
6262228 1383096 0 0 1 1482 (-18) 0 (0)
6498155 4099472 524216 0 1 1654 (-28) 1444 (0)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 8214 2640839 0 0 1463 (-17) 1506 (-20)
224748 Lose 1526 (-28) 2021-02-08 3:59 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Roflxdd Human Воин 4036309 156707 2 0 1486 (+30) 192 (+96)
Murkmindez Human Жрец 4943959 800537 0 0 1579 (+23) 480 (+96)
Phenomenal Human Паладин 217059 5187629 0 0 1529 (+27) 1535 (+26)
Deltamagex Human Маг 2920299 175247 0 1 1506 (-27) 192 (0)
Abuserlol Human Рыцарь Смерти 3076600 407147 0 1 1403 (-21) 96 (0)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 7438251 0 0 1480 (-27) 1526 (-28)
224745 Win 1554 (+23) 2021-02-08 2:00 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Murkmindez Human Жрец 1273886 276162 0 0 1556 (+23) 384 (+96)
Pikaxar Human Маг 1086745 0 1 0 1614 (+19) 1296 (+76)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 19188 757722 0 0 1507 (+27) 1554 (+23)
Roflxdd Human Воин 608487 25140 0 0 1456 (-23) 96 (0)
Phenomenal Human Паладин 15945 1701799 0 0 1502 (-26) 1509 (-27)
Аркайда Human Разбойник 533058 0 0 1 1386 (-18) 0 (0)
224743 Lose 1531 (-28) 2021-02-08 2:28 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Murkmindez Human Жрец 1565263 368828 1 0 1533 (+32) 288 (+96)
Phenomenal Human Паладин 83717 1851670 0 0 1528 (+32) 1536 (+32)
Deltamagex Human Маг 2017723 127867 0 0 1533 (+32) 192 (+96)
Octaviax Human Чернокнижник 1309409 230845 0 0 1542 (-29) 288 (0)
Pikaxar Human Маг 1031609 181100 0 1 1595 (-30) 1220 (0)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 2601211 0 0 1480 (-27) 1531 (-28)
224740 Win 1559 (+20) 2021-02-08 1:42 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Murkmindez Human Жрец 641367 73687 0 0 1501 (+25) 192 (+96)
Pikaxar Human Маг 812244 0 2 0 1625 (+16) 1220 (+79)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 419580 0 0 1507 (+24) 1559 (+20)
Automatic Human Охотник 319775 167954 0 1 1337 (-15) 0 (0)
Phenomenal Human Паладин 47214 138479 0 0 1496 (-27) 1504 (-27)
Аркайда Human Разбойник 132032 0 0 1 1404 (-20) 0 (0)
224736 Win 1539 (+48) 2021-02-08 1:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Octaviax Human Чернокнижник 455316 1076 0 0 1571 (+23) 288 (+96)
Deltamagex Human Маг 903058 0 1 0 1501 (+28) 96 (+96)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 364973 0 0 1483 (+30) 1539 (+48)
Alphanumeric Human Паладин 0 582539 0 0 1425 (-24) 96 (0)
Automatic Human Охотник 364955 250483 0 0 1352 (-18) 0 (0)
Pikaxar Human Маг 212200 0 0 1 1609 (-31) 1141 (0)
224734 Win 1491 (+53) 2021-02-08 1:43 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Octaviax Human Чернокнижник 627003 44334 1 0 1548 (+24) 192 (+96)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 440782 0 0 1453 (+31) 1491 (+53)
Alphanumeric Human Паладин 0 287319 0 0 1449 (-26) 96 (0)
Deltamagex Human Маг 569755 16886 0 0 1473 (-27) 0 (0)
Аркайда Human Разбойник 134502 0 0 1 1424 (-25) 0 (0)
224731 Lose 1438 (0) 2021-02-08 1:04 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Murkmindez Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1476 (-25) 96 (0)
Alphanumeric Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1475 (0) 96 (0)
Pikaxar Human Маг 0 0 0 0 1640 (0) 1141 (0)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 0 0 0 1422 (0) 1438 (0)
Sqilo Human Чернокнижник 0 0 0 0 1529 (0) 96 (0)
Аркайда Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1449 (0) 0 (0)
224728 Win 1438 (+57) 2021-02-08 1:28 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Octaviax Human Чернокнижник 82257 0 0 0 1524 (+24) 96 (+96)
Pikaxar Human Маг 844562 0 1 0 1640 (+17) 1141 (+85)
Holyf Blood Elf Паладин 0 69392 0 0 1422 (+32) 1438 (+57)
Alphanumeric Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1475 (-26) 96 (0)
Automatic Human Охотник 52242 111300 0 0 1370 (-19) 0 (0)
Аркайда Human Разбойник 50329 0 0 1 1449 (-24) 0 (0)