
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 95 64 / 31 67 1762
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
16466 Lose 1056 (0) 2023-02-01 2:05 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 2021990 308773 1 0 1828 (+12) 1542 (+31)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 0 1674505 0 0 1596 (+27) 1146 (+90)
Whitelliist Night Elf Друид 1526759 179710 0 0 1611 (+26) 1146 (+90)
Vector Human Монах 5769 2677307 0 0 1619 (-26) 1593 (-24)
Vengence Human Жрец 792738 272901 0 1 1452 (-14) 384 (0)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1372787 438920 0 0 1573 (-22) 1056 (0)
16465 Lose 1056 (0) 2023-02-01 2:39 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 2073687 452445 0 0 1816 (+13) 1511 (+62)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 132931 2373108 0 0 1569 (+29) 1056 (+96)
Whitelliist Night Elf Друид 2319125 149290 1 0 1585 (+28) 1056 (+96)
Vector Human Монах 93405 3585366 0 0 1645 (-28) 1617 (-27)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2048074 551028 0 0 1595 (-26) 1056 (0)
Bøbyðh Night Elf Разбойник 845387 0 0 1 1383 (-12) 1341 (-19)
16463 Lose 1056 (0) 2023-02-01 3:47 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vector Human Монах 96368 5012328 0 0 1673 (+19) 1644 (+21)
Kobiee Troll Шаман 3731277 606907 1 0 1803 (+11) 1449 (+65)
Theblackhit Human Охотник 2692697 191967 1 0 1652 (+20) 1650 (+20)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 42585 4934178 0 1 1540 (-18) 960 (0)
Disheartened Human Охотник 3557659 1080148 0 0 1621 (-23) 1056 (0)
Lonopets Human Разбойник 2123469 0 0 1 1365 (-8) 1141 (0)
16462 Lose 1056 (0) 2023-02-01 2:43 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 45731 3292876 0 0 1558 (+32) 960 (+96)
Bøbyðh Night Elf Разбойник 1309099 0 0 0 1395 (+42) 1360 (+80)
Whitelliist Night Elf Друид 1786984 148514 1 0 1557 (+32) 960 (+96)
Vector Human Монах 87944 2408031 0 0 1654 (-33) 1623 (-32)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2083567 242220 0 0 1644 (-33) 1056 (0)
Lonopets Human Разбойник 1272658 0 0 1 1373 (-21) 1141 (0)
16461 Lose 1056 (0) 2023-02-01 2:25 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vector Human Монах 54567 2769934 0 0 1687 (+23) 1655 (+25)
Kobiee Troll Шаман 1377551 316221 1 0 1792 (+16) 1384 (+79)
Theblackhit Human Охотник 1706983 307250 0 0 1632 (+27) 1630 (+27)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 31830 1448925 0 0 1526 (-17) 864 (0)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1794655 488578 0 0 1677 (-27) 1056 (0)
Whitelliist Night Elf Друид 1508274 523122 0 1 1525 (-17) 864 (0)
16459 Win 1056 (+96) 2023-02-01 2:44 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 1658664 426934 0 0 1765 (+17) 1229 (+87)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 46859 2338364 0 0 1543 (+32) 864 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2273238 117084 2 0 1704 (+21) 1056 (+96)
Vector Human Монах 101842 2585576 0 0 1647 (-27) 1611 (-26)
Theblackhit Human Охотник 1244608 593301 0 1 1631 (-27) 1629 (-27)
Lonopets Human Разбойник 1461671 0 0 1 1406 (-12) 1141 (0)
16458 Win 960 (+96) 2023-02-01 2:28 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vector Human Монах 148808 2628824 0 0 1674 (+15) 1637 (+18)
Kobiee Troll Шаман 1705507 107331 0 0 1748 (+12) 1142 (+86)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1951048 303078 2 0 1683 (+15) 960 (+96)
Emptywalls Human Чернокнижник 1728731 483529 0 1 1451 (-13) 0 (0)
Theblakiller Human Монах 4613 2293512 0 0 1502 (-16) 1530 (-17)
Lonopets Human Разбойник 1130680 0 0 1 1418 (-11) 1141 (0)
16457 Win 864 (+96) 2023-02-01 4:54 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 5214956 1138414 1 0 1736 (+16) 1056 (+96)
Theblakiller Human Монах 257692 7628254 1 0 1518 (+31) 1547 (+29)
Disheartened Human Охотник 5666526 1028252 0 0 1668 (+20) 864 (+96)
Vector Human Монах 182996 10249473 0 0 1659 (-29) 1619 (-27)
Emptywalls Human Чернокнижник 5644486 1238479 0 1 1464 (-17) 0 (0)
Lonopets Human Разбойник 3668562 0 0 1 1429 (-15) 1141 (0)
16456 Lose 768 (0) 2023-02-01 2:14 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vector Human Монах 55383 3760972 0 0 1688 (+18) 1646 (+21)
Xqt Undead Чернокнижник 458500 394999 0 0 1619 (+23) 1629 (+22)
Kobiee Troll Шаман 1980010 0 1 0 1720 (+16) 960 (+96)
Alget Human Воин 2254994 38856 0 1 1386 (-11) 1362 (-18)
Theblakiller Human Монах 50364 1544967 0 0 1487 (-16) 1518 (-18)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1669456 447148 0 0 1648 (-27) 768 (0)
16453 Lose 768 (0) 2023-02-01 1:07 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Alget Human Воин 0 0 0 0 1410 (0) 1404 (0)
Vector Human Монах 0 0 0 0 1655 (0) 1608 (0)
Zubiri Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1785 (0) 1775 (0)
Sckmahealnqa Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1446 (0) 480 (0)
Disheartened Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1675 (0) 768 (0)