
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 13 13 / 0 100 --
Season 168 126 / 42 75 2048
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
24606 Lose 1935 (-37) 2023-03-03 3:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ghinus Troll Друид 1193149 1734253 1 0 1660 (+46) 1326 (+94)
Ohrogue Human Разбойник 761858 21026 0 0 1697 (+44) 1691 (+44)
Nasa Human Паладин 2806 959447 0 0 1856 (-34) 1810 (-33)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2087200 0 0 1 1938 (-37) 1935 (-37)
24388 Win 1972 (+5) 2023-03-03 4:37 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 113652 1527185 0 0 1998 (+4) 1978 (+5)
Disheartened Human Охотник 4765765 0 2 0 1975 (+5) 1972 (+5)
Bakuraban Human Маг 1483773 737572 0 1 1496 (-4) 0 (0)
Soilxo Human Жрец 47692 2577969 0 1 1496 (-4) 0 (0)
24385 Lose 1967 (-28) 2023-03-03 14:07 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dkandrea Human Рыцарь Смерти 18571080 2221110 2 0 1869 (+39) 1152 (+96)
Алексейорба Human Монах 1024379 18042360 0 0 2076 (+25) 2060 (+26)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 619067 21651057 0 1 1994 (-29) 1973 (-28)
Disheartened Human Охотник 18025924 378784 0 1 1970 (-28) 1967 (-28)
24384 Win 1995 (+5) 2023-03-03 1:40 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 39868 453116 0 0 2023 (+4) 2001 (+5)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1273946 0 2 0 1998 (+5) 1995 (+5)
Korfez Night Elf Друид 0 165953 0 1 1517 (-4) 384 (0)
Imdeadbtw Human Рыцарь Смерти 401635 11309 0 1 1497 (-3) 0 (0)
24381 Win 2019 (+9) 2023-03-02 7:36 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 45182 6817687 0 0 2019 (+9) 1996 (+10)
Disheartened Human Охотник 8931127 0 1 0 2022 (+9) 2019 (+9)
Drumandbass Dwarf Шаман 313534 8809938 0 0 1802 (-14) 1798 (-14)
Yumy Human Охотник 6546932 0 0 1 1542 (-4) 384 (0)
23436 Lose 2010 (-39) 2023-02-26 4:30 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Èsqaqnoriiqx Human Монах 866428 575154 1 0 1767 (+46) 1767 (+46)
Mqa Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1570 (+51) 192 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 672192 571669 0 1 2013 (-39) 2010 (-39)
23432 Win 2049 (+6) 2023-02-26 4:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 182551 2680946 0 0 2049 (+6) 2024 (+6)
Disheartened Human Охотник 5529119 1049704 2 0 2052 (+6) 2049 (+6)
Èsqaqnoriiqx Human Монах 2385741 1941900 0 1 1709 (-8) 1709 (-8)
Mqa Night Elf Друид 647393 2252995 0 1 1494 (-3) 0 (0)
23431 Win 2043 (+6) 2023-02-26 3:24 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 124534 1661814 0 0 2043 (+6) 2018 (+7)
Disheartened Human Охотник 3531142 729081 1 0 2046 (+6) 2043 (+6)
Èsqaqnoriiqx Human Монах 1282093 922429 0 0 1717 (-9) 1717 (-9)
Mqa Night Elf Друид 801168 1789438 0 1 1497 (-3) 0 (0)
23427 Win 2037 (+10) 2023-02-26 11:56 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 474065 13047131 0 0 2037 (+10) 2011 (+11)
Disheartened Human Охотник 16195383 52046 1 0 2040 (+10) 2037 (+10)
Tuuxqp Human Монах 621376 13576574 0 0 1761 (-11) 1756 (-11)
Skrill Orc Охотник 11767397 2986578 0 1 1683 (-8) 480 (0)
23426 Win 2027 (+4) 2023-02-26 1:53 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 15015 1082292 0 0 2027 (+4) 2000 (+4)
Disheartened Human Охотник 886960 53280 1 0 2030 (+4) 2027 (+4)
Huntdärck Human Охотник 617459 453541 0 1 1362 (-1) 768 (0)
Invincible Human Разбойник 574086 0 0 0 1627 (-6) 1223 (0)