
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 13 13 / 0 100 --
Season 168 126 / 42 75 2048
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
9638 Win 672 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:04 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gwenblade Human Жрец 71703 458487 0 0 1613 (+26) 576 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 1295063 0 1 0 1677 (+22) 672 (+96)
Darker Tauren Друид 488213 155831 0 0 1484 (-19) 96 (0)
Viidel Human Паладин 64107 531233 0 1 1605 (-27) 768 (0)
9636 Win 576 (+96) 2023-01-07 4:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gwenblade Human Жрец 127498 1891672 0 0 1587 (+27) 480 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 5060197 0 1 0 1655 (+22) 576 (+96)
Ryukn Human Маг 1675809 129630 0 1 1468 (-19) 384 (0)
Control Human Жрец 141125 3988800 0 0 1584 (-27) 1551 (-25)
9635 Win 480 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:36 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gwenblade Human Жрец 2110 632301 0 0 1560 (+31) 384 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2395988 0 1 0 1633 (+25) 480 (+96)
Ryukn Human Маг 652860 101786 0 1 1487 (-22) 384 (0)
Control Human Жрец 28329 1540095 0 0 1611 (-29) 1576 (-28)
3627 Lose 384 (0) 2022-12-17 6:11 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shecantlove Human Охотник 5657576 0 1 0 1697 (+25) 1621 (+30)
Yeahright Human Паладин 173190 5505257 0 0 1608 (-25) 384 (0)
Disheartened Human Охотник 6142029 0 0 1 1608 (-25) 384 (0)
3625 Win 384 (+96) 2022-12-17 1:41 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yeahright Human Паладин 27955 825229 0 0 1633 (+33) 384 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 879517 0 1 0 1633 (+33) 384 (+96)
Jimouillee Human Маг 732433 62562 0 1 1659 (-29) 1649 (-29)
Ollyvia Night Elf Друид 0 214140 0 0 1659 (-29) 1138 (0)
3618 Win 288 (+96) 2022-12-17 12:31 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yeahright Human Паладин 338056 13860024 0 0 1600 (+35) 288 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 17449828 108744 1 0 1600 (+35) 288 (+96)
Shecantlove Human Охотник 11829927 2855253 0 1 1672 (-31) 1591 (-28)
3611 Win 192 (+96) 2022-12-17 9:09 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yeahright Human Паладин 68192 8203856 0 0 1565 (+35) 192 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 10732784 0 1 0 1565 (+35) 192 (+96)
Feeldarkness Troll Друид 215230 7873445 0 1 1528 (-27) 288 (0)
Shecantlove Human Охотник 7759258 2291078 0 0 1703 (-33) 1619 (-30)
3609 Win 96 (+96) 2022-12-17 3:25 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Yeahright Human Паладин 107018 2742155 0 0 1530 (+30) 96 (+96)
Disheartened Human Охотник 2981132 0 1 0 1530 (+30) 96 (+96)
Huntdärck Human Охотник 2391390 647975 0 1 1451 (-25) 384 (0)
Tuuxqp Human Монах 280866 2027879 0 0 1556 (-29) 384 (0)