
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 0 / 1 0 --
Season 36 22 / 14 61 1562
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
13933 Lose 1585 (-22) 2024-04-03 2:30 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1235364 99353 0 0 1711 (+23) 1708 (+23)
Nasa Human Паладин 18784 2119585 0 0 1827 (+15) 1826 (+15)
Cípsxqt Human Охотник 1614982 136477 1 0 1543 (+35) 768 (+96)
Gamishka Human Жрец 26047 1124710 0 0 1464 (-14) 1517 (-18)
Faker Human Охотник 897289 800673 0 1 1645 (-27) 1585 (-22)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 1437383 424359 0 0 1689 (-28) 1689 (-28)
13931 Lose 1607 (-28) 2024-04-03 1:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Gamishka Human Жрец 0 133788 0 0 1478 (+43) 1535 (+73)
Holyavenger Human Паладин 870756 172291 1 0 1796 (+22) 1759 (+24)
Lilwxdxd Human Охотник 778470 0 1 0 1570 (+38) 1568 (+38)
Nipletrigger Human Разбойник 178546 0 0 1 1492 (-22) 96 (0)
Nasa Human Паладин 43808 111309 0 0 1812 (-35) 1811 (-34)
Faker Human Охотник 259279 105953 0 1 1672 (-30) 1607 (-28)
13928 Win 1635 (+18) 2024-04-03 3:39 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nipletrigger Human Разбойник 1807522 7955 1 0 1514 (+27) 96 (+96)
Nasa Human Паладин 54651 3895565 0 0 1847 (+8) 1845 (+8)
Faker Human Охотник 2774276 604142 0 0 1702 (+14) 1635 (+18)
Gamishka Human Жрец 71328 3686377 0 1 1435 (-13) 1462 (-27)
Bio Human Охотник 2263081 183040 0 0 1516 (-17) 288 (0)
Shocklate Dwarf Шаман 2212376 163334 0 0 1438 (-13) 0 (0)
13926 Win 1617 (+25) 2024-04-03 3:46 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1810854 99989 0 0 1668 (+22) 1665 (+22)
Nasa Human Паладин 28974 3933102 0 0 1839 (+11) 1837 (+12)
Faker Human Охотник 2635394 764346 1 0 1688 (+20) 1617 (+25)
Gamishka Human Жрец 27106 2889931 0 0 1448 (-11) 1489 (-13)
Nipletrigger Human Разбойник 2385538 0 0 0 1487 (-13) 0 (0)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 2164490 514573 0 1 1699 (-27) 1699 (-27)
13923 Lose 1592 (0) 2024-04-03 2:25 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 1850857 103507 2 0 1646 (+29) 1643 (+29)
Lilwxdxd Human Охотник 1493364 0 0 0 1553 (+36) 1551 (+36)
Nasa Human Паладин 9570 2053528 0 0 1828 (+17) 1825 (+17)
Gamishka Human Жрец 0 1261672 0 1 1459 (-15) 1502 (-18)
Faker Human Охотник 1030069 512505 0 1 1668 (-28) 1592 (0)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 1216563 540256 0 0 1726 (-30) 1726 (-30)
13920 Win 1592 (+22) 2024-04-03 2:22 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nasa Human Паладин 43758 1863830 0 0 1811 (+9) 1808 (+10)
Faker Human Охотник 1221011 415078 1 0 1696 (+15) 1592 (+22)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 1239599 288261 0 0 1756 (+12) 1756 (+12)
Gamishka Human Жрец 8858 1445390 0 0 1474 (-11) 1520 (-13)
Cípsxqt Human Охотник 1135101 587126 0 1 1518 (-13) 576 (0)
Монктумана Orc Монах 1289628 180675 0 0 1437 (-9) 1418 (-16)
13916 Win 1570 (+32) 2024-04-03 2:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nasa Human Паладин 1982 2948810 0 0 1802 (+16) 1798 (+16)
Faker Human Охотник 1477204 94479 0 0 1681 (+24) 1570 (+32)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 1647913 397946 1 0 1744 (+20) 1744 (+20)
Gamishka Human Жрец 14729 1592388 0 0 1485 (-13) 1533 (-15)
Bio Human Охотник 1680111 1104924 0 1 1485 (-12) 96 (0)
Action Human Разбойник 1713141 7292 0 0 1791 (-30) 1791 (-30)
13412 Lose 1538 (0) 2024-04-02 2:47 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spamffb Human Маг 1221008 40760 1 0 1774 (+18) 1541 (+35)
Ønyx Orc Разбойник 2107243 7810 1 0 1543 (+35) 1562 (+33)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 49476 2383042 0 0 1782 (+18) 1781 (+18)
Faker Human Охотник 1721104 261176 0 1 1657 (-27) 1538 (0)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 395 1707879 0 0 1685 (-28) 1685 (-28)
Высочество Undead Маг 747525 233807 0 1 1443 (-13) 0 (0)
13408 Win 1538 (+28) 2024-04-02 3:17 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spamffb Human Маг 1669777 59268 1 0 1740 (+14) 1444 (+65)
Зубиримвп Human Паладин 11432 3916995 0 0 1749 (+14) 1748 (+14)
Faker Human Охотник 2008642 577196 1 0 1684 (+18) 1538 (+28)
Goatty Human Охотник 2310033 362309 0 1 1244 (-4) 192 (0)
Ønyx Orc Разбойник 2082417 5342 0 1 1524 (-15) 1547 (-17)
Жгуподбубен Dwarf Шаман 0 2085175 0 0 1741 (-28) 1741 (-28)
12512 Lose 1510 (0) 2024-03-30 2:25 Ashamane's Fall +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Action Human Разбойник 1548735 0 0 0 1651 (+26) 1655 (+26)
Pipir Human Воин 1158467 29230 1 0 1535 (+35) 96 (+96)
Mgl Human Монах 455027 1862672 1 0 1684 (+24) 1684 (+24)
Metro Human Рыцарь Смерти 956902 15503 0 0 1631 (-29) 1587 (-27)
Faker Human Охотник 912170 234778 0 1 1666 (-30) 1510 (0)
Psychologist Human Паладин 0 1524231 0 1 1446 (-18) 1452 (-35)