
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 15 11 / 4 73 --
Season 403 176 / 227 43 1635
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
262023 Lose 1635 (-25) 2020-07-18 2:39 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rollexs Worgen Друид 1321518 1089247 1 0 1863 (+11) 1817 (+14)
Bakedtomato Human Чернокнижник 1060393 629908 1 0 1540 (+33) 192 (+96)
Romec Human Жрец 870439 404715 0 1 1515 (-17) 1540 (-18)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 948423 762101 0 1 1608 (-23) 1635 (-25)
262018 Win 1660 (+14) 2020-07-18 2:29 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 1551706 417128 2 0 1532 (+22) 1558 (+21)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 898339 589443 0 0 1631 (+16) 1660 (+14)
Цинтия Human Паладин 620991 839863 0 1 1435 (-19) 288 (0)
8897171 678142 362472 0 1 1401 (-17) 288 (0)
262009 Win 1646 (+16) 2020-07-18 2:36 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 1221893 438318 0 0 1510 (+26) 1537 (+24)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 1020251 656997 2 0 1615 (+18) 1646 (+16)
Цинтия Human Паладин 483897 733195 0 1 1454 (-22) 288 (0)
8897171 782311 471578 0 1 1418 (-20) 288 (0)
261998 Win 1630 (+30) 2020-07-18 4:38 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 4118300 1588501 2 0 1484 (+40) 1513 (+71)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 3595669 2492199 0 0 1597 (+33) 1630 (+30)
Imstonedform Dwarf Шаман 361926 5495044 0 1 1628 (-31) 1625 (-31)
261991 Win 1600 (+19) 2020-07-18 1:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 1059794 370237 2 0 1444 (+31) 1442 (+57)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 335639 0 0 0 1564 (+22) 1600 (+19)
Цинтия Human Паладин 367037 198747 0 1 1452 (-27) 192 (0)
8897171 83049 139526 0 1 1411 (-24) 192 (0)
261979 Win 1581 (+9) 2020-07-18 2:26 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 908749 374180 1 0 1413 (+17) 1385 (+35)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 406114 764005 1 0 1542 (+10) 1581 (+9)
Hellsbelle Human Разбойник 988905 31290 0 1 1339 (-19) 576 (0)
Woo Human Маг 733407 220740 0 1 1102 (-7) 1118 (-14)
261971 Win 1572 (+9) 2020-07-18 1:34 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 140507 0 0 0 1396 (+19) 1350 (+41)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 426531 333303 1 0 1532 (+11) 1572 (+9)
Hellsbelle Human Разбойник 354672 0 0 0 1358 (-22) 576 (0)
Woo Human Маг 86948 0 0 1 1109 (-8) 1132 (-16)
261967 Win 1563 (+22) 2020-07-18 1:56 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Romec Human Жрец 948888 328112 1 0 1377 (+35) 1309 (+73)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 673601 0 1 0 1521 (+25) 1563 (+22)
Цинтия Human Паладин 300253 418580 0 1 1450 (-28) 96 (0)
8897171 382264 115345 0 1 1403 (-27) 96 (0)
261958 Win 1541 (+47) 2020-07-18 1:43 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 458115 0 1 0 1496 (+29) 1541 (+47)
Flictonic Human Чернокнижник 771500 85561 1 0 1398 (+35) 1447 (+60)
Цинтия Human Паладин 73790 25146 0 1 1478 (-29) 96 (0)
8897171 199433 35905 0 1 1430 (-28) 96 (0)
261945 Lose 1494 (-29) 2020-07-18 3:34 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Цинтия Human Паладин 2537311 1434041 1 0 1507 (+25) 96 (+96)
8897171 1080344 615088 1 0 1458 (+28) 96 (+96)
Zyris Blood Elf Паладин 1270980 1560902 0 1 1467 (-28) 1494 (-29)
Flictonic Human Чернокнижник 1279142 1257109 0 1 1363 (-22) 1387 (-44)