
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 19 7 / 12 36 672
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
39005 Lose 672 (0) 2020-09-23 1:44 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 951233 115482 0 0 1487 (+34) 384 (+96)
Mostwanted Human Воин 795235 0 1 0 1578 (+27) 1541 (+56)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 0 1189088 0 0 1416 (+39) 768 (+96)
Вармусти Human Воин 122967 0 0 0 1529 (-30) 576 (0)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 1021279 308430 0 0 1519 (-29) 1301 (0)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 0 338756 0 1 1505 (-29) 672 (0)
39003 Win 672 (+96) 2020-09-23 2:58 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вармусти Human Воин 2424682 224309 0 0 1559 (+24) 576 (+96)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 1552779 559632 1 1 1548 (+25) 1301 (+76)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 16063 3993024 0 0 1534 (+26) 672 (+96)
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 3232561 586321 0 0 1453 (-23) 288 (0)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2260864 331595 1 0 1551 (-28) 1485 (-26)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 0 1751443 0 1 1377 (-18) 672 (0)
39001 Win 576 (+96) 2020-09-23 3:02 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вармусти Human Воин 2243995 31610 1 0 1535 (+28) 480 (+96)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3641590 1151705 0 0 1523 (+28) 1225 (+84)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 43291 4653571 0 0 1508 (+30) 576 (+96)
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 3824015 280425 0 0 1476 (-27) 288 (0)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2713982 0 0 0 1579 (-30) 1511 (-28)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 348360 5261765 0 1 1395 (-21) 672 (0)
39000 Win 480 (+96) 2020-09-23 3:16 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вармусти Human Воин 2815297 38780 0 0 1507 (+32) 384 (+96)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3344053 1304580 2 0 1495 (+33) 1141 (+89)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 59452 6207614 0 0 1478 (+34) 480 (+96)
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 4886435 755661 0 1 1503 (-29) 288 (0)
Mostwanted Human Воин 3053719 0 0 0 1609 (-32) 1539 (-30)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 493262 4747308 0 1 1416 (-25) 672 (0)
38997 Lose 384 (0) 2020-09-23 2:50 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 4399964 426649 0 0 1532 (+26) 288 (+96)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2529845 0 2 0 1641 (+18) 1569 (+23)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 506218 5268489 0 0 1441 (+33) 672 (+96)
Вармусти Human Воин 2119427 485649 0 1 1475 (-26) 288 (0)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 2849331 959774 0 1 1462 (-25) 1052 (0)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 37034 3805286 0 0 1444 (-23) 384 (0)
38995 Lose 384 (0) 2020-09-23 3:00 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 3205110 257699 2 0 1506 (+30) 192 (+96)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2642942 0 0 0 1623 (+21) 1546 (+27)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 517910 5394249 0 0 1408 (+37) 576 (+96)
Вармусти Human Воин 2336072 18474 0 1 1501 (-28) 288 (0)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 2831877 984069 0 1 1487 (-27) 1052 (0)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 68400 3574492 0 0 1467 (-27) 384 (0)
38992 Win 384 (+96) 2020-09-23 2:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вармусти Human Воин 2152293 167568 0 0 1529 (+28) 288 (+96)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3044467 1152751 2 0 1514 (+29) 1052 (+96)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 36441 5014999 0 0 1494 (+31) 384 (+96)
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 4225049 285541 0 1 1476 (-27) 96 (0)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2368123 0 0 0 1602 (-31) 1519 (-29)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 426308 4124794 0 1 1371 (-20) 480 (0)
38988 Lose 288 (0) 2020-09-23 3:20 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 5825906 764035 1 0 1503 (+30) 96 (+96)
Mostwanted Human Воин 3918140 0 2 0 1633 (+21) 1548 (+27)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 524166 5499415 0 0 1391 (+38) 480 (+96)
Вармусти Human Воин 2674231 127055 0 1 1501 (-28) 192 (0)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3101242 1114198 0 1 1485 (-28) 956 (0)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 66571 6377762 0 1 1463 (-27) 288 (0)
38985 Win 288 (+96) 2020-09-23 2:54 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Вармусти Human Воин 2345289 60220 1 0 1529 (+28) 192 (+96)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3041686 1036297 0 0 1513 (+29) 956 (+96)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 31526 5056202 0 0 1490 (+31) 288 (+96)
Aeaeaea Human Чернокнижник 4391841 853469 0 0 1473 (-27) 0 (0)
Mostwanted Human Воин 2486294 0 0 0 1612 (-31) 1521 (-29)
Diasback Draenei Шаман 370629 3591138 0 1 1353 (-19) 384 (0)
38971 Lose 192 (0) 2020-09-23 3:05 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Goodbye Human Паладин 0 4706211 0 0 1757 (+12) 1370 (+70)
Owo Orc Охотник 2389380 1150454 1 0 1968 (+5) 1888 (+7)
Shadowcan Undead Чернокнижник 2783432 374593 1 0 1728 (+13) 1541 (+48)
Вармусти Human Воин 2273460 347455 0 1 1501 (-9) 96 (0)
Shirozetsu Night Elf Друид 3323737 1293542 0 1 1484 (-9) 860 (0)
Gwenblade Human Жрец 57348 2330439 0 0 1459 (-8) 192 (0)