
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 4 4 / 0 100 --
Season 285 178 / 107 62 2001
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
165121 Win 2001 (+18) 2020-04-06 8:25 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 9100810 286493 1 0 2034 (+15) 2034 (+15)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 7114 7430361 0 0 2001 (+18) 2001 (+18)
Тутхаус Blood Elf Паладин 27487 7090337 0 0 1817 (-16) 1817 (-16)
Necrotickyra Orc Рыцарь Смерти 9476278 1124379 0 1 1816 (-15) 1816 (-15)
165107 Win 1983 (+20) 2020-04-06 4:52 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 5448700 172805 1 0 2019 (+18) 2019 (+18)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 7745 4412565 0 0 1983 (+20) 1983 (+20)
Тутхаус Blood Elf Паладин 41582 3990179 0 0 1833 (-18) 1833 (-18)
Necrotickyra Orc Рыцарь Смерти 5166714 550479 0 1 1831 (-18) 1831 (-18)
165086 Win 1963 (+23) 2020-04-06 8:59 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 10473835 640418 1 0 2001 (+20) 2001 (+20)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 0 9171702 0 0 1963 (+23) 1963 (+23)
Тутхаус Blood Elf Паладин 175298 7758682 0 0 1851 (-21) 1851 (-21)
Necrotickyra Orc Рыцарь Смерти 11351340 1414843 0 1 1849 (-20) 1849 (-20)
165067 Win 1940 (+26) 2020-04-06 8:11 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 9207106 490968 1 0 1981 (+23) 1981 (+23)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 0 7474222 0 0 1940 (+26) 1940 (+26)
Тутхаус Blood Elf Паладин 176807 7701506 0 0 1872 (-24) 1872 (-24)
Necrotickyra Orc Рыцарь Смерти 9038268 1197366 0 1 1869 (-23) 1869 (-23)
162166 Win 1914 (+6) 2020-04-05 1:33 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 859153 0 1 0 1958 (+5) 1958 (+5)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 43861 0 0 0 1914 (+6) 1914 (+6)
Orc Шаман 0 313825 0 1 1495 (-5) 0 (0)
162156 Win 1908 (+10) 2020-04-05 5:32 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 8447227 125238 1 0 1953 (+8) 1953 (+8)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 64687 2693184 1 0 1908 (+10) 1908 (+10)
Vredik Human Чернокнижник 3498661 2653294 0 1 1591 (-8) 576 (0)
Денисмаза Human Паладин 44067 4404437 0 1 1571 (-7) 672 (0)
159156 Lose 1898 (-39) 2020-04-04 4:21 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Elevated Dwarf Шаман 4920646 325807 1 0 1550 (+50) 96 (+96)
Xtallz Night Elf Друид 179061 4404911 0 0 1550 (+50) 96 (+96)
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 5019210 148444 0 1 1945 (-40) 1945 (-40)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 0 3328658 0 0 1898 (-39) 1898 (-39)
159137 Win 1937 (+14) 2020-04-04 9:15 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 10363453 169973 2 0 1985 (+12) 1985 (+12)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 172628 7018305 0 0 1937 (+14) 1937 (+14)
Totalia Human Паладин 197106 7974474 0 1 1873 (-23) 1871 (-23)
159135 Win 1923 (+28) 2020-04-04 2:09 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Trapbotxo Human Охотник 1824657 82391 2 0 1973 (+25) 1973 (+25)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 9569 581941 0 0 1923 (+28) 1923 (+28)
Reyna Human Паладин 674126 549474 0 1 1861 (-24) 1860 (-24)
Kkingsha Human Охотник 248231 0 0 1 1903 (-27) 1903 (-27)
159118 Lose 1895 (-29) 2020-04-04 3:50 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Reyna Human Паладин 1488133 1939664 1 0 1865 (+36) 1863 (+36)
Kkingsha Human Охотник 2526880 80170 0 0 1917 (+32) 1917 (+32)
Anchex Human Маг 2577925 263475 0 1 1947 (-30) 1947 (-30)
Notrapbotxo Human Паладин 0 3024500 0 0 1895 (-29) 1895 (-29)