
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 122 52 / 70 42 1596
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
6076 Lose 1373 (-17) 2024-06-26 2:35 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 2700311 0 1 0 1780 (+9) 1776 (+9)
Cadelamago Human Маг 1527662 131490 0 0 1648 (+16) 960 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 3135058 0 0 1647 (+16) 1664 (+15)
Novemberx Human Паладин 35906 2811073 0 0 1447 (-13) 1465 (-26)
Jackripperx Human Рыцарь Смерти 2072131 843975 0 1 1455 (-13) 0 (0)
Waix Human Маг 991461 1 0 0 1414 (-11) 1373 (-17)
6074 Lose 1390 (-20) 2024-06-25 1:45 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 949935 0 1 0 1771 (+10) 1767 (+10)
Cadelamago Human Маг 1043195 103369 0 0 1632 (+18) 864 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 1392789 0 0 1631 (+18) 1649 (+16)
Novemberx Human Паладин 3788 1049953 0 0 1460 (-14) 1491 (-16)
Pipir Human Воин 843918 33700 0 1 1464 (-15) 0 (0)
Waix Human Маг 474025 18486 0 0 1425 (-13) 1390 (-20)
6072 Lose 1410 (-24) 2024-06-25 2:49 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 2700254 0 1 0 1761 (+12) 1757 (+12)
Cadelamago Human Маг 2051342 141565 1 0 1614 (+21) 768 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 9953 2782358 0 0 1613 (+21) 1633 (+19)
Novemberx Human Паладин 21227 2106202 0 0 1474 (-16) 1507 (-19)
Rikmetyzer Human Чернокнижник 2067874 940809 0 1 1515 (-19) 192 (0)
Waix Human Маг 1070911 185406 0 1 1438 (-14) 1410 (-24)
6070 Lose 1434 (-29) 2024-06-25 6:56 Ashamane's Fall +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 7815200 84332 2 0 1749 (+13) 1745 (+14)
Cadelamago Human Маг 5146323 302671 0 0 1593 (+23) 672 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 11856313 0 0 1592 (+24) 1614 (+22)
Novemberx Human Паладин 226811 10259306 0 0 1490 (-19) 1526 (-21)
Rikmetyzer Human Чернокнижник 6891697 527195 0 1 1534 (-22) 192 (0)
Waix Human Маг 5462618 710945 0 1 1452 (-16) 1434 (-29)
6069 Win 1463 (+77) 2024-06-25 2:15 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Novemberx Human Паладин 23382 2266972 0 0 1509 (+39) 1547 (+37)
Rikmetyzer Human Чернокнижник 1432293 100383 1 0 1556 (+37) 192 (+96)
Waix Human Маг 777050 169738 0 0 1468 (+42) 1463 (+77)
Badbxtch Human Маг 1374227 16197 0 0 1736 (-35) 1731 (-35)
Cadelamago Human Маг 1073616 106468 0 1 1570 (-30) 576 (0)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 1159742 0 0 1568 (-30) 1592 (-31)
6068 Lose 1386 (-22) 2024-06-25 4:44 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 6756867 137534 0 0 1771 (+11) 1766 (+12)
Cadelamago Human Маг 4419569 143295 2 0 1600 (+21) 576 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 5638471 0 0 1598 (+22) 1623 (+20)
Novemberx Human Паладин 65673 7553382 0 1 1470 (-16) 1510 (-19)
Rikmetyzer Human Чернокнижник 3767873 1969715 0 1 1519 (-20) 96 (0)
Waix Human Маг 2563800 332065 0 0 1426 (-14) 1386 (-22)
6067 Win 1408 (+82) 2024-06-25 2:28 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Novemberx Human Паладин 0 1678499 0 0 1486 (+42) 1529 (+73)
Rikmetyzer Human Чернокнижник 1352524 364127 1 0 1539 (+39) 96 (+96)
Waix Human Маг 1286810 0 0 0 1440 (+44) 1408 (+82)
Badbxtch Human Маг 634826 0 0 1 1760 (-37) 1754 (-37)
Cadelamago Human Маг 1228962 121289 0 0 1579 (-32) 480 (0)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 1655663 0 0 1576 (-31) 1603 (-32)
6065 Lose 1326 (-16) 2024-06-25 3:28 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 4128230 113422 1 0 1797 (+9) 1791 (+9)
Cadelamago Human Маг 3049462 141503 1 0 1611 (+18) 480 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 4585512 0 0 1607 (+18) 1635 (+16)
Novemberx Human Паладин 78484 5531187 0 0 1444 (-14) 1456 (-28)
Jackripperx Human Рыцарь Смерти 3435276 708473 0 1 1468 (-15) 0 (0)
Waix Human Маг 1995928 0 0 1 1396 (-11) 1326 (-16)
6064 Lose 1342 (-18) 2024-06-25 2:50 Black Rook Hold Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 3208625 103383 1 0 1788 (+10) 1782 (+10)
Cadelamago Human Маг 1651035 243447 0 0 1593 (+20) 384 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 2834748 0 0 1589 (+20) 1619 (+18)
Novemberx Human Паладин 6771 3242273 0 0 1458 (-16) 1484 (-17)
Jackripperx Human Рыцарь Смерти 2118261 649355 0 1 1483 (-17) 0 (0)
Waix Human Маг 1146563 0 0 0 1407 (-13) 1342 (-18)
6060 Lose 1360 (-21) 2024-06-25 3:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Badbxtch Human Маг 3497887 98680 2 0 1778 (+10) 1772 (+10)
Cadelamago Human Маг 4307510 21121 1 0 1573 (+22) 288 (+96)
Goodbxtch Human Жрец 0 3700483 0 0 1569 (+22) 1601 (+20)
Onebuttomkek Night Elf Друид 12962 5076673 0 1 1463 (-17) 0 (0)
Marcellin Human Жрец 1846024 756483 0 1 1463 (-17) 0 (0)
Waix Human Маг 2215872 33386 0 1 1420 (-14) 1360 (-21)