
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 26 14 / 12 53 --
Season 157 80 / 77 50 1823
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
191459 Lose 1823 (-26) 2020-01-06 1:43 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Форелькахх Night Elf Друид 23630 453152 0 0 1882 (+28) 1882 (+28)
Otanim Human Маг 886448 101177 1 0 1885 (+28) 1888 (+28)
Justice Human Паладин 829461 0 0 0 1823 (-26) 1823 (-26)
Душичка Human Охотник 190681 15547 0 1 1847 (-27) 1843 (-27)
191451 Lose 1849 (-12) 2020-01-06 2:03 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bigrouge Human Разбойник 581239 0 2 0 2101 (+14) 2101 (+14)
Demon Night Elf Друид 719412 514174 0 0 2112 (+14) 2111 (+14)
Justice Human Паладин 0 0 0 1 1849 (-12) 1849 (-12)
Душичка Human Охотник 526056 26924 0 1 1874 (-14) 1870 (-13)
191445 Lose 1861 (-29) 2020-01-06 2:23 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Форелькахх Night Elf Друид 42716 1215639 0 0 1854 (+33) 1854 (+33)
Otanim Human Маг 1740980 115554 2 0 1857 (+33) 1860 (+33)
Justice Human Паладин 487839 408560 0 1 1861 (-29) 1861 (-29)
Душичка Human Охотник 1331840 46452 0 1 1888 (-29) 1883 (-29)
191428 Lose 1890 (-3) 2020-01-06 2:18 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Ownface Human Монах 465644 1955241 1 0 2405 (+3) 2405 (+3)
Execute Human Воин 1581075 0 0 0 2397 (+4) 2398 (+4)
Justice Human Паладин 850862 839954 0 1 1890 (-3) 1890 (-3)
Душичка Human Охотник 1042656 57867 0 0 1917 (-4) 1912 (-4)
191424 Win 1893 (+13) 2020-01-06 2:01 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Justice Human Паладин 1028466 719735 0 0 1893 (+13) 1893 (+13)
Душичка Human Охотник 889396 0 2 0 1921 (+12) 1916 (+12)
Slowgcdb Human Паладин 0 544872 0 1 1654 (-12) 1625 (-11)
Razboinuculx Human Воин 943469 100719 0 1 1618 (-11) 1611 (-10)
191414 Win 1880 (+13) 2020-01-06 2:24 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Justice Human Паладин 1044985 723672 1 0 1880 (+13) 1880 (+13)
Душичка Human Охотник 936259 14112 1 0 1909 (+12) 1904 (+12)
Etikrunik Human Маг 244032 178555 0 1 1501 (-6) 1147 (0)
Djleaaxyz Human Паладин 724633 568795 0 1 1759 (-19) 1740 (-18)
191403 Lose 1867 (-22) 2020-01-06 2:06 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Azace Human Охотник 669606 65440 1 0 1987 (+23) 1775 (+38)
Schøølboyqt Human Разбойник 460604 0 0 0 1964 (+25) 1698 (+43)
Justice Human Паладин 162202 426297 0 1 1867 (-22) 1867 (-22)
Душичка Human Охотник 589199 0 0 0 1897 (-24) 1892 (-24)
191393 Lose 1889 (-26) 2020-01-06 2:04 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Azace Human Охотник 881222 43673 1 0 1964 (+27) 1737 (+42)
Schøølboyqt Human Разбойник 365176 55764 0 0 1939 (+29) 1655 (+46)
Justice Human Паладин 384594 362315 0 1 1889 (-26) 1889 (-26)
Душичка Human Охотник 404617 15385 0 0 1921 (-27) 1916 (-27)
191381 Win 1915 (+26) 2020-01-06 4:05 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Justice Human Паладин 3178596 1964927 1 0 1915 (+26) 1915 (+26)
Душичка Human Охотник 3335987 169631 0 0 1948 (+23) 1943 (+24)
Форелькахх Night Elf Друид 19819 4522740 0 0 1839 (-23) 1839 (-23)
Otanim Human Маг 3284178 208527 0 1 1842 (-24) 1845 (-24)
191374 Win 1889 (+14) 2020-01-06 1:36 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Justice Human Паладин 1071897 151552 2 0 1889 (+14) 1889 (+14)
Душичка Human Охотник 492667 0 0 0 1925 (+12) 1919 (+13)
Djsheep Human Маг 262883 141085 0 1 1576 (-9) 576 (0)
Vinders Human Разбойник 174024 0 0 1 1727 (-12) 1718 (-16)