
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 0 / 1 0 --
Season 97 81 / 16 83 2250
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
337268 Lose 2250 (-27) 2020-08-22 2:36 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kyoshi Pandaren Монах 1538998 274752 1 0 1974 (+41) 1919 (+44)
Supergremlin Night Elf Друид 105023 1202321 0 0 1949 (+42) 1562 (+53)
Wpeboomyinc Night Elf Друид 0 825115 0 1 1955 (-28) 1929 (-28)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1477073 0 0 0 2281 (-28) 2250 (-27)
325730 Lose 2277 (-27) 2020-08-16 1:43 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Пикчерз Human Маг 493458 12155 1 0 1968 (+38) 1886 (+42)
Максонкабзон Night Elf Друид 390936 0 0 0 2072 (+31) 2063 (+31)
Ksamkok Undead Жрец 0 100231 0 0 1822 (-17) 1799 (-15)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 62800 0 0 1 2309 (-27) 2277 (-27)
325721 Lose 2304 (-21) 2020-08-16 2:18 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skripterq Night Elf Друид 242637 1064560 1 0 2244 (+14) 2244 (+14)
Bestx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1625053 0 1 0 2293 (+12) 2291 (+12)
Ksamkok Undead Жрец 0 696352 0 1 1839 (-5) 1814 (-5)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1049999 0 0 1 2336 (-22) 2304 (-21)
325714 Lose 2325 (-22) 2020-08-16 1:54 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Skripterq Night Elf Друид 0 378952 0 0 2230 (+15) 2230 (+15)
Bestx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1175607 9956 1 0 2281 (+13) 2279 (+13)
Ksamkok Undead Жрец 0 75574 0 0 1844 (-6) 1819 (-5)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 264159 0 0 1 2358 (-23) 2325 (-22)
298484 Win 2347 (+2) 2020-08-03 2:05 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1236444 15630 2 0 2381 (+2) 2347 (+2)
Icytears Human Монах 308531 1215854 0 0 2225 (+3) 2222 (+3)
Randomizera Human Рыцарь Смерти 622876 194236 0 1 1621 (-12) 1618 (-1)
Zarley Night Elf Друид 580937 66553 0 1 1792 (-3) 1781 (-3)
298476 Win 2345 (+2) 2020-08-03 2:24 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1424608 33797 1 0 2379 (+2) 2345 (+2)
Icytears Human Монах 59824 2215666 0 0 2222 (+3) 2219 (+3)
Randomizera Human Рыцарь Смерти 1558002 169911 0 1 1633 (-1) 1619 (-1)
Zarley Night Elf Друид 795522 387031 0 0 1795 (-3) 1784 (-3)
298467 Win 2343 (+1) 2020-08-03 2:15 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1398044 956 1 0 2377 (+1) 2343 (+1)
Icytears Human Монах 178808 531208 1 0 2219 (+1) 2216 (+1)
8817983 292886 45018 0 1 1087 (0) 1072 (0)
Karina Human Паладин 344319 486403 0 1 1511 (0) 1354 (0)
298457 Win 2342 (+1) 2020-08-03 1:51 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1280332 7003 2 0 2376 (+1) 2342 (+1)
Icytears Human Монах 260747 405825 0 0 2218 (+2) 2215 (+2)
Randomizera Human Рыцарь Смерти 372864 0 0 1 1619 (-12) 1604 (-1)
Lookmyheal Human Монах 6883 279803 0 1 1609 (-1) 384 (0)
298452 Win 2341 (+1) 2020-08-03 1:47 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 977381 12232 1 0 2375 (+1) 2341 (+1)
Icytears Human Монах 244068 585894 0 0 2216 (+1) 2213 (+1)
5268474 670854 28966 0 1 1458 (0) 1208 (0)
Rondalina Human Паладин 21530 126111 0 0 1432 (0) 1478 (-1)
298445 Win 2340 (+1) 2020-08-03 4:38 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 5302864 158406 2 0 2374 (+1) 2340 (+1)
Icytears Human Монах 450908 3283803 0 0 2215 (+2) 2212 (+2)
Matureson Human Паладин 0 3422955 0 1 1412 (0) 1383 (0)
Karmila Human Охотник 3788221 257628 0 1 1630 (-1) 1644 (-1)