
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 118 67 / 51 56 1695
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
40412 Lose 1662 (-26) 2020-02-01 5:08 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fullaction Night Elf Друид 0 7712435 0 0 1657 (+34) 384 (+96)
Lililililili Human Воин 5369108 0 1 0 1648 (+35) 384 (+96)
Pestilence Human Маг 2683163 640100 0 0 1880 (+18) 1842 (+21)
Boneless Human Паладин 3733019 2280755 0 1 1674 (-27) 1666 (-26)
Alera Human Жрец 4463 4694167 0 0 1693 (-27) 1656 (-25)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 4778784 91195 0 0 1733 (-12) 1662 (-26)
40405 Lose 1688 (-28) 2020-02-01 2:46 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fullaction Night Elf Друид 0 3210443 0 0 1623 (+38) 288 (+96)
Lililililili Human Воин 2282793 0 0 0 1613 (+39) 288 (+96)
Pestilence Human Маг 1220708 356730 1 0 1862 (+21) 1821 (+24)
Boneless Human Паладин 1417302 872735 0 1 1701 (-28) 1692 (-28)
Alera Human Жрец 19437 1597908 0 0 1720 (-12) 1681 (-28)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 2263250 46890 0 0 1745 (-30) 1688 (-28)
40400 Win 1716 (+18) 2020-02-01 1:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 903797 167543 0 0 1729 (+17) 1720 (+18)
Alera Human Жрец 0 844929 0 0 1732 (+17) 1709 (+18)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 833130 50367 1 0 1775 (+14) 1716 (+18)
Kìngbåchx Human Рыцарь Смерти 1066016 19912 0 0 1473 (-12) 96 (0)
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 192038 216697 0 1 1476 (-12) 0 (0)
Kickedmyson Human Монах 0 74027 0 0 1670 (-12) 1051 (-1)
40388 Lose 1698 (-29) 2020-02-01 5:10 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fullaction Night Elf Друид 86533 7650013 0 0 1585 (+41) 192 (+96)
Lililililili Human Воин 5968645 0 0 0 1574 (+41) 192 (+96)
Pestilence Human Маг 4214711 667987 1 0 1841 (+23) 1797 (+26)
Boneless Human Паладин 3357331 2161886 0 1 1712 (-30) 1702 (-30)
Alera Human Жрец 70938 6663614 0 0 1715 (-30) 1691 (-29)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 4692148 95227 0 0 1761 (-12) 1698 (-29)
40379 Lose 1727 (-32) 2020-02-01 4:35 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fullaction Night Elf Друид 0 6268002 0 0 1544 (+44) 96 (+96)
Lililililili Human Воин 3721590 0 0 0 1533 (+45) 96 (+96)
Pestilence Human Маг 3811074 417697 1 0 1818 (+27) 1771 (+30)
Boneless Human Паладин 3151806 2212346 0 1 1742 (-32) 1732 (-32)
Alera Human Жрец 43254 4445497 0 0 1745 (-12) 1720 (-31)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 3933448 52221 0 0 1773 (-33) 1727 (-32)
40366 Win 1759 (+22) 2020-02-01 3:21 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 2113882 1071181 1 0 1774 (+21) 1764 (+21)
Alera Human Жрец 163601 3380085 0 0 1757 (+22) 1751 (+22)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 2776911 141933 0 0 1806 (+19) 1759 (+22)
Lililililili Human Воин 2484739 0 0 0 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
Reetshankkz Dwarf Шаман 338537 3642704 0 0 1620 (-19) 1234 (0)
Pestilence Human Маг 2204306 301285 0 1 1791 (-28) 1741 (-27)
40346 Win 1737 (+12) 2020-02-01 2:18 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1541059 682050 0 0 1753 (+12) 1743 (+12)
Alera Human Жрец 33983 1205523 0 0 1735 (+12) 1729 (+13)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1764001 97300 1 0 1787 (+10) 1737 (+12)
Framezgaming Human Жрец 945167 316059 0 0 1433 (-9) 0 (0)
Iamaxeler Troll Друид 0 2065990 0 0 1488 (-12) 480 (0)
Mashonlola Human Маг 1374092 270633 0 1 1479 (-11) 96 (0)
40341 Win 1725 (+21) 2020-02-01 1:37 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1188365 10261 0 0 1741 (+20) 1731 (+21)
Alera Human Жрец 0 1084061 0 0 1723 (+21) 1716 (+22)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 655321 32823 2 0 1777 (+18) 1725 (+21)
Furyan Dwarf Шаман 410250 61283 0 1 1488 (-12) 0 (0)
Nonned Human Рыцарь Смерти 722537 0 0 1 1621 (-21) 1548 (-16)
Kickedmyson Human Монах 131394 509725 0 0 1682 (-12) 1052 (-1)
40325 Win 1704 (+15) 2020-02-01 5:11 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 4992074 2550934 1 0 1721 (+14) 1710 (+14)
Alera Human Жрец 123858 5527497 1 0 1702 (+15) 1694 (+15)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 5713210 343504 0 0 1759 (+12) 1704 (+15)
Framezgaming Human Жрец 3555206 1155483 0 0 1442 (-12) 0 (0)
Iamaxeler Troll Друид 15856 7336393 0 1 1500 (-14) 480 (0)
Mashonlola Human Маг 5487430 911430 0 1 1490 (-13) 96 (0)
40321 Win 1689 (+29) 2020-02-01 1:41 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 967459 296220 1 0 1707 (+27) 1696 (+28)
Alera Human Жрец 0 895279 0 0 1687 (+29) 1679 (+30)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 617042 15630 0 0 1747 (+25) 1689 (+29)
Nonned Human Рыцарь Смерти 999833 0 0 0 1642 (-25) 1564 (0)
Reetshankkz Dwarf Шаман 448471 127633 0 1 1639 (-25) 1234 (0)
Kickedmyson Human Монах 52185 607491 0 0 1694 (-12) 1053 (-2)