
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 1 0 / 1 0 --
Season 97 81 / 16 83 2250
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
73265 Win 2288 (+4) 2020-05-09 3:29 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kushcloud Night Elf Друид 257815 1081319 0 0 2316 (+3) 2307 (+3)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 2220913 89299 1 0 2314 (+3) 2288 (+4)
Negligent Night Elf Жрец 50911 1263922 0 0 1640 (-1) 1140 (0)
Zampox Worgen Охотник 1530748 0 0 1 1962 (-7) 1929 (-6)
15635 Win 2284 (+5) 2020-04-20 3:28 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Рубильник Human Паладин 1906175 992729 0 0 2216 (+7) 2215 (+7)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1805072 143542 1 0 2311 (+5) 2284 (+5)
Tazlol Human Охотник 2004250 0 0 1 1887 (-7) 1883 (-7)
Wpebaby Human Паладин 0 2266210 0 0 1887 (-7) 1882 (-7)
15622 Win 2279 (+6) 2020-04-20 2:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Рубильник Human Паладин 1289725 1630024 1 0 2209 (+10) 2208 (+10)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 1730916 0 0 0 2306 (+5) 2279 (+6)
Tazlol Human Охотник 1908446 0 0 1 1894 (-7) 1890 (-7)
Wpebaby Human Паладин 0 1651232 0 0 1894 (-7) 1889 (-7)
15603 Win 2273 (+7) 2020-04-20 4:40 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Рубильник Human Паладин 2621206 2454422 2 0 2199 (+13) 2198 (+14)
Inkiazhunt Human Охотник 4270618 259976 0 0 2301 (+7) 2273 (+7)
Haat Human Жрец 3441253 1115690 0 1 1929 (-9) 1691 (0)
Clarize Dwarf Шаман 409364 4526843 0 1 1974 (-11) 1818 (0)