
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 17 12 / 5 70 --
Season 87 56 / 31 64 2017
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
71478 Win 1603 (+25) 2020-05-09 1:35 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 478771 17989 2 0 1761 (+14) 1603 (+25)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1082628 360037 0 0 1808 (+12) 1652 (+21)
Igotdmg Tauren Шаман 362379 133019 0 1 1552 (-14) 1478 (-18)
Fatherless Night Elf Друид 193719 127370 0 1 1503 (-11) 96 (0)
71467 Win 1578 (+25) 2020-05-09 3:06 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 522361 23604 1 0 1747 (+14) 1578 (+25)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 879489 175669 1 0 1796 (+11) 1631 (+21)
Heijiffs Night Elf Разбойник 180073 0 0 1 1491 (-11) 960 (0)
Overhaul Night Elf Друид 249379 148360 0 1 1514 (-12) 1405 (0)
71458 Lose 1553 (-6) 2020-05-09 1:40 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
3066855 769596 0 1 0 1975 (+16) 1941 (+18)
Meloyn Human Жрец 123922 392958 0 0 1935 (+18) 1878 (+22)
Chadfive Human Охотник 111170 0 0 1 1733 (-12) 1553 (-6)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 453079 40741 0 0 1785 (-17) 1610 (0)
71445 Win 1559 (+44) 2020-05-09 2:43 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 1675997 37044 1 0 1745 (+33) 1559 (+44)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1848320 959514 1 0 1802 (+29) 1610 (+41)
Регрок Human Рыцарь Смерти 1305952 474312 0 1 1755 (-28) 1753 (-28)
8553268 9369 1473256 0 1 1769 (-28) 1752 (-28)
71436 Lose 1515 (-7) 2020-05-09 1:54 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
3352035 181843 1119557 0 0 1766 (+29) 864 (+96)
Кингл Night Elf Охотник 1387517 0 2 0 2026 (+12) 2026 (+12)
Chadfive Human Охотник 413266 28184 0 1 1712 (-12) 1515 (-7)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 590164 256285 0 1 1773 (-21) 1569 (0)
71346 Win 1522 (+77) 2020-05-08 2:36 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 842963 14092 1 1 1724 (+29) 1522 (+77)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1615102 1631318 1 0 1794 (+23) 1569 (+73)
Necrotickyra Orc Рыцарь Смерти 1324974 590960 1 1 1782 (-29) 1770 (-29)
Wokeuptofak Human Паладин 1189452 737116 0 1 1595 (-18) 1509 (-13)
60669 Win 1445 (+74) 2020-05-05 1:52 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 761371 0 1 0 1695 (+23) 1445 (+74)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1015986 360979 1 0 1686 (+24) 1447 (+74)
Bazir Human Чернокнижник 102161 4616 0 1 1592 (-12) 768 (0)
Transformer Night Elf Друид 470827 442412 0 1 1582 (-22) 864 (0)
60667 Win 1371 (+70) 2020-05-05 1:39 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 274247 0 0 0 1672 (+17) 1371 (+70)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1092810 402659 2 0 1662 (+17) 1373 (+70)
Untellz Troll Друид 196752 0 0 1 1483 (-17) 0 (0)
任外号务 Human Жрец 260751 214290 0 1 1465 (-15) 0 (0)
60663 Win 1301 (+71) 2020-05-05 1:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 592392 1388 2 0 1655 (+14) 1301 (+71)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 491163 119388 0 0 1645 (+15) 1303 (+71)
Chikulka Night Elf Рыцарь Смерти 119388 12840 0 1 1418 (-14) 767 (0)
Popokere Night Elf Друид 11210 0 0 1 1408 (-13) 576 (0)
60662 Win 1230 (+89) 2020-05-05 1:55 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 784431 26901 1 0 1641 (+28) 1230 (+89)
Disiusqt Human Паладин 1266058 677762 1 0 1630 (+28) 1232 (+89)
Bazir Human Чернокнижник 278373 92484 0 1 1587 (-27) 672 (0)
Transformer Night Elf Друид 631422 287711 0 1 1587 (-27) 768 (0)