
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 268 164 / 104 61 2000
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
130534 Win 2000 (+8) 2020-12-04 1:24 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spa Human Паладин 849221 0 2 0 2006 (+8) 2006 (+8)
Chadfive Human Охотник 746327 224139 0 0 2000 (+8) 2000 (+8)
Waterboy Human Охотник 68468 112762 0 1 1536 (-4) 1536 (-4)
Stzysucks Troll Друид 57438 97179 0 1 1729 (-11) 1729 (-11)
130533 Win 1992 (+9) 2020-12-04 2:43 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spa Human Паладин 1341740 488923 0 0 1998 (+8) 1998 (+8)
Chadfive Human Охотник 2302832 657484 2 0 1992 (+9) 1992 (+9)
Waterboy Human Охотник 1207978 443168 0 1 1540 (-5) 1540 (-5)
Stzysucks Troll Друид 424422 1699124 0 1 1740 (-12) 1740 (-12)
130531 Win 1983 (+9) 2020-12-04 2:04 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Spa Human Паладин 608295 693248 1 0 1990 (+9) 1990 (+9)
Chadfive Human Охотник 1102532 602944 0 0 1983 (+9) 1983 (+9)
Waterboy Human Охотник 746247 167858 0 1 1545 (-5) 1545 (-5)
Retribution Human Паладин 589382 544200 0 0 1723 (-12) 1718 (-11)
127276 Win 1974 (+9) 2020-12-01 2:42 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 1024616 306674 2 0 1974 (+9) 1974 (+9)
Okidc Human Паладин 1538584 681054 0 0 1937 (+10) 1936 (+10)
Recluse Night Elf Друид 604883 465077 0 1 1635 (-9) 1592 (-7)
Wos Human Паладин 440998 626839 0 1 1621 (-8) 1626 (-9)
127274 Win 1965 (+8) 2020-12-01 1:55 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 873266 373290 2 0 1965 (+8) 1965 (+8)
Okidc Human Паладин 926012 554279 0 0 1927 (+9) 1926 (+9)
Skxø Human Паладин 500982 570315 0 1 1413 (-3) 768 (0)
Donneir Night Elf Друид 525730 75250 0 1 1756 (-16) 1743 (-15)
127273 Win 1957 (+8) 2020-12-01 2:57 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 801910 568752 1 0 1957 (+8) 1957 (+8)
Okidc Human Паладин 815282 533659 1 0 1918 (+10) 1917 (+10)
Recluse Night Elf Друид 811116 375159 0 1 1644 (-10) 1599 (-8)
Srsly Human Разбойник 529745 0 0 1 1537 (-6) 1546 (-6)
127272 Win 1949 (+9) 2020-12-01 1:41 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 392562 259336 1 0 1949 (+9) 1949 (+9)
Okidc Human Паладин 1176577 33881 1 0 1908 (+10) 1907 (+10)
Skxø Human Паладин 190555 276283 0 1 1416 (-3) 768 (0)
Donneir Night Elf Друид 462432 131307 0 1 1772 (-18) 1758 (-17)
127271 Win 1940 (+10) 2020-12-01 2:14 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 1270154 265674 2 0 1940 (+10) 1940 (+10)
Okidc Human Паладин 883204 750862 0 0 1898 (+11) 1897 (+11)
Skxø Human Паладин 686023 361306 0 1 1419 (-4) 768 (0)
Donneir Night Elf Друид 610536 282338 0 1 1790 (-20) 1775 (-19)
127269 Win 1930 (+4) 2020-12-01 2:00 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 706402 184314 1 0 1930 (+4) 1930 (+4)
Arguim Night Elf Воин 101999 49463 0 1 1484 (-5) 0 (0)
Krq Human Паладин 134344 13760 0 0 1372 (-3) 0 (0)
127268 Win 1926 (+5) 2020-12-01 1:01 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chadfive Human Охотник 680588 14330 1 0 1926 (+5) 1926 (+5)
Okidc Human Паладин 928466 161080 1 0 1887 (+6) 1886 (+6)
Arguim Night Elf Воин 214641 64818 0 1 1489 (-5) 0 (0)
Krq Human Паладин 0 548904 0 1 1375 (-3) 0 (0)