
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 17 15 / 2 88 --
Season 113 86 / 27 76 2280
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
130182 Lose 2280 (-22) 2020-03-24 1:48 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tessyh Human Чернокнижник 1134147 632370 0 0 2197 (+37) 2060 (+44)
Reqwyzsmile Night Elf Друид 724193 331187 0 0 2267 (+23) 2266 (+23)
Boneless Human Паладин 235085 724258 0 0 2264 (-21) 2255 (-21)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 562042 46890 0 0 2304 (-12) 2280 (-22)
130170 Win 2302 (+2) 2020-03-24 1:49 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 716318 809338 0 0 2285 (+2) 2276 (+2)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 489546 15630 1 0 2316 (+2) 2302 (+2)
4904582 561076 376368 0 1 1567 (-1) 672 (0)
8301779 338739 0 0 0 1724 (-2) 1724 (-2)
130155 Win 2300 (+7) 2020-03-24 1:21 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 421074 100662 0 0 2283 (+7) 2274 (+8)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 156389 0 1 0 2314 (+7) 2300 (+7)
Rankqwonxx Troll Жрец 0 0 0 0 2000 (-10) 2000 (-10)
Правоеухо Human Маг 242348 49663 0 1 1927 (-7) 1927 (-7)
130145 Win 2293 (+3) 2020-03-24 2:22 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1085367 789527 1 0 2276 (+3) 2266 (+3)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 1091044 0 1 0 2307 (+3) 2293 (+3)
Brokenclaws Night Elf Друид 482535 741621 0 1 1579 (-1) 288 (0)
Refund Human Охотник 488392 0 0 1 1910 (-7) 1590 (0)
130132 Win 2290 (+7) 2020-03-24 1:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 916279 316070 1 0 2273 (+7) 2263 (+7)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 528987 10374 0 0 2304 (+6) 2290 (+7)
Rankqwonxx Troll Жрец 142629 356889 0 0 1986 (-10) 1986 (-10)
Правоеухо Human Маг 317036 205340 0 1 1903 (-6) 1903 (-6)
130126 Win 2283 (+4) 2020-03-24 1:34 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1150885 204651 0 0 2266 (+4) 2256 (+5)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 800252 0 0 0 2298 (+4) 2283 (+4)
Soulleatterr Human Чернокнижник 286956 1412101 0 1 1652 (-2) 1318 (0)
Sophie Night Elf Друид 240343 23672 0 0 1988 (-10) 1955 (-8)
130109 Win 2279 (+10) 2020-03-24 3:48 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1916380 2509156 1 0 2262 (+10) 2251 (+11)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 2966156 473756 0 0 2294 (+9) 2279 (+10)
Kelibwyn Human Монах 230756 3552880 0 0 2081 (-15) 2065 (-14)
Jonnyromox Human Рыцарь Смерти 3391131 1093736 0 1 1965 (-9) 1699 (0)
130104 Win 2269 (+11) 2020-03-24 1:38 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 988308 234324 1 0 2252 (+11) 2240 (+12)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 755881 0 0 0 2285 (+10) 2269 (+11)
Kelibwyn Human Монах 0 194397 0 0 2096 (-17) 2079 (-16)
Jonnyromox Human Рыцарь Смерти 522044 521081 0 1 1974 (-10) 1699 (0)
130094 Win 2258 (+11) 2020-03-24 3:23 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 2219470 1178590 0 0 2241 (+12) 2228 (+12)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 2519736 90376 1 0 2275 (+10) 2258 (+11)
Ghettokasumi Night Elf Друид 115887 3520073 0 0 1868 (-7) 1343 (0)
Disabled Dwarf Шаман 1757749 414717 0 1 2203 (-18) 2176 (-23)
130087 Win 2247 (+12) 2020-03-23 1:45 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Boneless Human Паладин 1140149 169252 0 0 2229 (+13) 2216 (+14)
Fjxcsd Human Охотник 690914 0 1 0 2265 (+11) 2247 (+12)
Ghettokasumi Night Elf Друид 0 613101 0 0 1875 (-7) 1343 (0)
Disabled Dwarf Шаман 195343 176459 0 1 2221 (-20) 2199 (-19)