
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 4 4 / 0 100 384
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
9834 Win 384 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:21 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 0 473901 0 0 1660 (+15) 1552 (+21)
Christie Human Маг 1230349 185682 2 0 1596 (+18) 384 (+96)
Lxirismad Human Разбойник 645427 0 0 1 1372 (-12) 288 (0)
Wallaindhunt Human Охотник 0 86365 0 1 1481 (-19) 0 (0)
9831 Win 288 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:27 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 1762 1195040 0 0 1645 (+18) 1531 (+26)
Christie Human Маг 1396785 148999 2 0 1578 (+22) 288 (+96)
Lxirismad Human Разбойник 695101 0 0 1 1384 (-14) 288 (0)
Альфавалит Human Охотник 923767 419298 0 1 1538 (-25) 1513 (-23)
9830 Win 192 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:56 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 12487 2308504 0 0 1627 (+22) 1505 (+58)
Christie Human Маг 3171485 151352 2 0 1556 (+28) 192 (+96)
Femlove Troll Друид 1623366 953437 0 1 1371 (-15) 96 (0)
Grozgx Human Монах 937835 1063288 0 1 1643 (-30) 1643 (-30)
9828 Win 96 (+96) 2023-01-07 2:56 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cripey Night Elf Друид 107542 1500124 0 0 1605 (+22) 1447 (+63)
Christie Human Маг 1569497 258803 2 0 1528 (+28) 96 (+96)
Lxirismad Human Разбойник 840937 0 0 1 1398 (-18) 288 (0)
Альфавалит Human Охотник 1168371 579853 0 1 1563 (-28) 1536 (-27)