
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 17 10 / 7 58 --
Season 86 41 / 45 47 1610
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
261266 Lose 1610 (-14) 2019-01-01 8:37 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Hastagostrom Undead Жрец 826333 9010693 0 0 1884 (+12) 1859 (+13)
Drrocket Orc Рыцарь Смерти 12324002 1364666 2 0 1780 (+18) 1775 (+18)
Shwady Undead Жрец 9618897 1559537 0 1 1604 (-14) 1610 (-14)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 167893 10001947 0 1 1594 (-13) 1594 (-13)
259059 Lose 1624 (-26) 2018-12-31 1:34 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Билоснежка Orc Охотник 355503 0 0 0 1753 (+21) 1744 (+22)
Kdfgsf Blood Elf Паладин 1124207 0 2 0 1611 (+32) 1611 (+32)
Shwady Undead Жрец 273298 55817 0 1 1618 (-26) 1624 (-26)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 7580 296253 0 1 1607 (-25) 1607 (-25)
259046 Lose 1650 (-23) 2018-12-31 4:54 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Xrisostomos Human Жрец 6826625 1633413 2 0 1737 (+24) 1396 (+83)
Naughtymama Human Жрец 58272 2301245 0 0 1763 (+22) 1755 (+23)
Shwady Undead Жрец 4241650 751448 0 1 1644 (-22) 1650 (-23)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 64562 4816996 0 1 1632 (-21) 1632 (-21)
259040 Lose 1673 (-25) 2018-12-31 2:14 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nubira Draenei Шаман 1276487 1005019 1 0 1708 (+28) 1405 (+83)
6143615 1463284 220354 1 0 1792 (+22) 1631 (+33)
Shwady Undead Жрец 1370123 426282 0 1 1666 (-24) 1673 (-25)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 0 1000861 0 1 1653 (-23) 1653 (-23)
259034 Win 1698 (+16) 2018-12-31 1:48 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 968358 70505 2 0 1690 (+16) 1698 (+16)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 103133 331168 0 0 1676 (+17) 1676 (+17)
Barclay Blood Elf Чернокнижник 133586 8486 0 1 1484 (-16) 0 (0)
Fuccmepilav Orc Воин 271818 0 0 1 1484 (-16) 0 (0)
259024 Win 1682 (+19) 2018-12-31 2:20 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 1568493 210890 2 0 1674 (+19) 1682 (+19)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 0 518565 0 0 1659 (+20) 1659 (+20)
Joaqo Troll Маг 502743 144458 0 1 1479 (-16) 384 (0)
Undead Жрец 308061 307314 0 1 1540 (-21) 1497 (-18)
259017 Win 1663 (+21) 2018-12-31 2:27 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 1519870 220448 2 0 1655 (+22) 1663 (+21)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 37393 847450 0 0 1639 (+23) 1639 (+23)
Joaqo Troll Маг 555934 128254 0 1 1495 (-19) 384 (0)
Undead Жрец 551674 299235 0 1 1561 (-24) 1515 (-21)
259008 Win 1642 (+14) 2018-12-31 2:32 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 1379829 345926 2 0 1633 (+14) 1642 (+14)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 131042 1455412 0 0 1616 (+15) 1616 (+15)
8394403 1153173 257808 0 1 1349 (-11) 1403 (-14)
8413707 557266 66081 0 1 1436 (-16) 0 (0)
258998 Win 1628 (+8) 2018-12-31 2:17 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 1648295 146425 1 0 1619 (+9) 1628 (+8)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 33861 1807103 1 0 1601 (+9) 1601 (+9)
5401575 685446 291963 0 1 1317 (-10) 480 (0)
Qazwx Undead Воин 1098331 158363 0 1 1210 (-6) 1280 (-9)
258974 Lose 1620 (-21) 2018-12-31 6:35 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rändomthing Human Маг 8196263 201832 2 0 1745 (+20) 1745 (+20)
Onetwodot Human Жрец 20078 5289340 0 0 1730 (+22) 1642 (+28)
Shwady Undead Жрец 5358644 1282196 0 1 1610 (-21) 1620 (-21)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 108936 5801453 0 1 1592 (-19) 1592 (-19)