
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 41 24 / 17 58 --
Season 200 103 / 97 51 2004
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
344788 Win 2004 (+34) 2018-09-11 2:37 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 2846428 914 1 0 2025 (+33) 1990 (+35)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 961407 0 0 2004 (+34) 2004 (+34)
Vich Human Жрец 15851 2066067 0 0 2042 (-29) 2041 (-29)
Desertør Human Маг 1734074 141407 0 1 2055 (-12) 2038 (-29)
344783 Win 1970 (+38) 2018-09-11 1:31 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 810810 914 1 0 1992 (+37) 1955 (+39)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 34032 0 0 1970 (+38) 1970 (+38)
Vich Human Жрец 7732 89678 0 0 2071 (-31) 2070 (-31)
Desertør Human Маг 269399 0 0 1 2067 (-31) 2067 (-31)
344772 Win 1932 (+14) 2018-09-11 3:03 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 1392646 29281 2 0 1955 (+13) 1916 (+15)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 567218 0 1 1932 (+14) 1932 (+14)
5599282 1568049 118660 0 1 1705 (-13) 1686 (-12)
6209975 126467 18492 1 1 1674 (-11) 1668 (-11)
344762 Lose 1918 (-18) 2018-09-11 1:57 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Highlight Orc Охотник 1307921 0 2 0 2058 (+21) 2058 (+21)
Zahklaw Human Паладин 109262 443644 0 0 2117 (+17) 2117 (+17)
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 542242 0 0 1 1942 (-12) 1901 (-17)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 130217 0 1 1918 (-18) 1918 (-18)
344751 Win 1936 (+17) 2018-09-11 3:00 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 2436816 60339 2 0 1954 (+16) 1918 (+19)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 1821039 0 0 1936 (+17) 1936 (+17)
Dapingus Blood Elf Охотник 737321 10635 0 1 1519 (-6) 1490 (-5)
6660628 1882126 792978 0 1 1975 (-29) 1974 (-29)
344738 Win 1919 (+13) 2018-09-11 3:30 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 3860307 34440 2 0 1938 (+12) 1899 (+15)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 30565 662764 0 0 1919 (+13) 1919 (+13)
Greenbeeast Night Elf Друид 0 2413590 0 1 1650 (-11) 1056 (0)
Doxalol Human Охотник 1052886 0 0 1 1687 (-13) 1679 (-12)
344727 Win 1906 (+24) 2018-09-11 2:07 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 1789876 28576 1 0 1926 (+22) 1884 (+26)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 31410 159506 0 0 1906 (+24) 1906 (+24)
Namgan Human Монах 0 993357 0 0 1987 (-30) 1978 (-30)
Sueta Orc Охотник 288168 0 0 1 1632 (-11) 1620 (-11)
344719 Lose 1882 (-29) 2018-09-11 1:55 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Whitelist Human Охотник 744885 0 1 0 1918 (+29) 1917 (+29)
Eggybbg Human Паладин 804829 476785 1 0 1792 (+38) 1766 (+39)
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 711755 199200 0 1 1904 (-12) 1858 (-29)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 229017 0 1 1882 (-29) 1882 (-29)
344674 Win 1911 (+29) 2018-09-11 7:51 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 8415281 35858 2 0 1916 (+29) 1887 (+31)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 25444 5538633 0 0 1911 (+29) 1911 (+29)
Kubzyz Night Elf Друид 6545026 1455463 0 1 1778 (-21) 1761 (-20)
Tøkyo Human Монах 38107 5760102 0 1 1982 (-30) 1889 (-27)
344661 Win 1882 (+27) 2018-09-11 2:31 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Aoepoliciya Human Охотник 1690371 127237 2 0 1887 (+27) 1856 (+29)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 1085958 0 0 1882 (+27) 1882 (+27)
Whitelist Human Охотник 1114998 0 0 1 1904 (-29) 1903 (-29)
Eggybbg Human Паладин 616379 349414 0 1 1751 (-21) 1718 (-18)