
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 13 9 / 4 69 --
Season 137 74 / 63 54 1759
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
223071 Lose 1759 (-33) 2019-09-01 1:32 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6565139 862778 450289 2 0 1600 (+43) 672 (+96)
Gamyncul Human Паладин 936069 0 0 0 1622 (+42) 1628 (+41)
Illeniumx Human Охотник 455052 0 0 1 1787 (-34) 1709 (-32)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 432897 0 1 1760 (-33) 1759 (-33)
223068 Win 1792 (+8) 2019-09-01 1:37 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 1513953 0 2 0 1821 (+8) 1741 (+10)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 33459 1534440 0 0 1793 (+8) 1792 (+8)
Наглыйхант Human Охотник 1025651 62420 0 1 1439 (-7) 1471 (-8)
8562600 1257142 0 0 1 1430 (-7) 1473 (-8)
223057 Win 1784 (+18) 2019-09-01 4:43 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 4152571 0 1 0 1813 (+16) 1731 (+22)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 267385 3330676 1 0 1785 (+18) 1784 (+18)
Burotar Orc Воин 4090957 257350 0 1 1507 (-11) 96 (0)
Пукачука Tauren Паладин 8738 2943780 0 1 1709 (-23) 1056 (0)
223054 Win 1766 (+9) 2019-09-01 1:23 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 1180749 0 2 0 1797 (+8) 1709 (+12)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 5877 589413 0 0 1767 (+9) 1766 (+9)
Наглыйхант Human Охотник 182665 28372 0 1 1434 (-8) 1444 (-8)
8562600 591970 0 0 1 1424 (-7) 1446 (-8)
223042 Win 1757 (+38) 2019-09-01 5:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 6514949 58760 1 0 1789 (+36) 1697 (+42)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 144519 3996853 0 0 1758 (+38) 1757 (+38)
Maranique Human Монах 610502 5473108 0 0 1849 (-31) 1835 (-31)
5530601 5046747 601378 0 1 1849 (-31) 1844 (-31)
223021 Win 1719 (+23) 2019-09-01 5:50 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 6335605 0 1 0 1753 (+20) 1655 (+27)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 68908 5765936 0 0 1720 (+23) 1719 (+23)
Melba Night Elf Друид 3750648 4715471 0 1 1658 (-24) 1448 (0)
Chadigodi Human Разбойник 3450164 367646 0 0 1552 (-17) 576 (0)
223014 Win 1696 (+16) 2019-09-01 3:21 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 3694754 0 2 0 1733 (+14) 1628 (+20)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 210200 2630525 0 0 1697 (+16) 1696 (+16)
6565139 1628556 1713206 0 1 1461 (-12) 0 (0)
Gamyncul Human Паладин 1609110 959197 0 1 1505 (-15) 1487 (-14)
223009 Win 1680 (+14) 2019-09-01 2:02 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 1193993 0 2 0 1719 (+12) 1608 (+18)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 42503 442999 0 0 1681 (+14) 1680 (+14)
Pultt Human Разбойник 275355 0 0 1 1618 (-23) 1628 (-24)
8741446 192114 193876 0 1 1244 (-5) 576 (0)
223000 Win 1666 (+35) 2019-09-01 4:53 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Illeniumx Human Охотник 6284413 0 2 0 1707 (+32) 1590 (+39)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 214920 5565550 0 0 1667 (+35) 1666 (+35)
6281223 2107145 3360570 0 1 1703 (-29) 1705 (-29)
8733534 4499156 1815587 0 1 1713 (-29) 1712 (-29)
222995 Lose 1631 (-23) 2019-09-01 3:05 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6281223 2752488 2045969 1 0 1732 (+26) 1734 (+25)
8733534 2511539 162683 1 0 1742 (+25) 1741 (+25)
Illeniumx Human Охотник 2574979 0 0 1 1675 (-26) 1551 (0)
Flummeqt Human Жрец 0 3452898 0 1 1632 (-23) 1631 (-23)