
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 68 17 / 51 25 1315
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
247146 Win 1315 (0) 2018-12-28 4:03 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Blood Elf Паладин 419872 813979 2 0 1312 (+39) 1365 (+67)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 0 0 0 0 1252 (0) 1315 (0)
Ваншотез Human Разбойник 940663 0 0 1 1406 (-33) 672 (0)
Shadoowblood Human Разбойник 911048 0 0 1 1436 (-33) 672 (0)
247130 Lose 1243 (-19) 2018-12-28 2:51 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shwady Undead Жрец 2044642 215753 2 0 1371 (+21) 1126 (+72)
Jormadin Blood Elf Паладин 34751 2010792 0 0 1413 (+19) 480 (+96)
Blood Elf Паладин 1345357 395218 0 1 1273 (-21) 1298 (-23)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 1136364 327167 0 1 1210 (-17) 1243 (-19)
247111 Lose 1262 (-14) 2018-12-28 3:41 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sosalkin Undead Маг 2310119 92480 1 0 1485 (+15) 1511 (+14)
Undead Жрец 130988 1730057 1 0 1482 (+15) 1519 (+13)
Blood Elf Паладин 1446378 540906 0 1 1294 (-16) 1321 (-18)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 512876 493284 0 1 1227 (-12) 1262 (-14)
247100 Lose 1276 (-13) 2018-12-28 2:52 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nefaria Human Воин 2216110 0 2 0 1538 (+13) 288 (+96)
结束我 Human Паладин 10027 2191385 0 0 1514 (+14) 96 (+96)
Blood Elf Паладин 1024995 818158 0 1 1310 (-14) 1339 (-16)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 1519229 166705 0 1 1239 (-11) 1276 (-13)
247089 Lose 1289 (-15) 2018-12-28 2:15 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
6304446 1127525 0 2 0 1531 (+14) 1503 (+16)
8361953 1127645 252898 0 0 1478 (+17) 1502 (+16)
Blood Elf Паладин 131752 331636 0 1 1324 (-17) 1355 (-19)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 492311 460572 0 1 1250 (-12) 1289 (-15)
247068 Win 1304 (+65) 2018-12-28 4:48 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Blood Elf Паладин 2855459 2652349 2 0 1341 (+32) 1374 (+56)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 231969 652516 0 1 1262 (+38) 1304 (+65)
Makyura Human Рыцарь Смерти 1561468 306951 1 1 1309 (-29) 1293 (-28)
Iactea Blood Elf Монах 2794360 1539555 0 1 1389 (-31) 576 (0)
247061 Lose 1239 (-20) 2018-12-28 2:10 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Makyura Human Рыцарь Смерти 1452457 735118 0 0 1338 (+26) 1321 (+51)
Iactea Blood Elf Монах 937677 151931 2 0 1420 (+20) 576 (+96)
Blood Elf Паладин 778498 507182 0 1 1309 (-25) 1318 (-26)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 456322 442058 0 1 1224 (-19) 1239 (-20)
247051 Win 1259 (+62) 2018-12-28 1:41 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Blood Elf Паладин 774389 391997 1 0 1334 (+28) 1344 (+27)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 310102 153450 1 0 1243 (+35) 1259 (+62)
Fieldmarshel Undead Рыцарь Смерти 470218 98373 0 1 1259 (-27) 480 (0)
Balsack Undead Воин 356323 52264 0 1 1309 (-29) 192 (0)
244328 Lose 1197 (-11) 2018-12-27 2:25 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Karagot Blood Elf Паладин 1262900 439956 0 0 1474 (+15) 192 (+96)
Ogeastbull Undead Маг 1367850 124417 2 0 1474 (+15) 192 (+96)
Blood Elf Паладин 614325 398651 0 1 1306 (-18) 1317 (-18)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 322395 881979 0 1 1208 (-12) 1197 (-11)
244040 Lose 1208 (-6) 2018-12-27 2:04 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Балконский Night Elf Друид 1134245 0 0 0 1637 (+8) 1639 (+8)
Drrocket Orc Рыцарь Смерти 819993 28656 1 0 1594 (+10) 1585 (+10)
Blood Elf Паладин 53448 86942 0 1 1324 (-10) 1335 (-11)
Xixdreys Undead Чернокнижник 39106 910789 0 1 1220 (-6) 1208 (-6)