
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 20 15 / 5 75 --
Season 238 153 / 85 64 2029
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
227465 Lose 2029 (-31) 2019-09-04 10:07 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dirtydmg Dwarf Шаман 12617235 561293 1 0 1935 (+38) 1933 (+39)
Ponicz Human Жрец 325174 12240562 0 0 1976 (+36) 1963 (+37)
Rule Human Паладин 176447 8552330 0 0 2038 (-31) 2032 (-31)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 13126031 3690626 0 1 2030 (-31) 2029 (-31)
227458 Win 2060 (+14) 2019-09-04 3:50 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rule Human Паладин 37721 2465610 0 0 2069 (+13) 2063 (+14)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 5075211 948890 2 0 2061 (+14) 2060 (+14)
Лизадихлофос Human Охотник 3427364 0 0 1 1749 (-9) 1737 (-9)
Meldmaister Night Elf Друид 4429 3390444 0 1 1888 (-17) 1756 (0)
227453 Lose 2046 (-20) 2019-09-04 2:35 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dárkness Human Жрец 9309 1125650 0 0 2167 (+23) 2154 (+23)
Bestfrost Human Маг 2128395 65558 1 0 2204 (+20) 2178 (+22)
Rule Human Паладин 37558 919207 0 0 2056 (-21) 2049 (-20)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 1062584 499676 0 1 2047 (-20) 2046 (-20)
227451 Win 2066 (+38) 2019-09-04 2:54 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rule Human Паладин 80626 1718947 0 0 2077 (+38) 2069 (+38)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 2931208 572298 2 0 2067 (+38) 2066 (+38)
Dárkness Human Жрец 0 1777806 0 1 2144 (-31) 2131 (-30)
Bestfrost Human Маг 2364186 212220 0 1 2184 (-23) 2156 (-31)
227438 Win 2028 (+19) 2019-09-04 11:38 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Rule Human Паладин 105556 11733209 0 0 2039 (+18) 2031 (+19)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 15365356 2557931 2 0 2029 (+19) 2028 (+19)
Rankedzz Dwarf Шаман 271792 11236061 0 1 1954 (-24) 1933 (-22)
Afflidotcom Human Чернокнижник 14299011 3363237 0 1 1777 (-12) 1760 (-12)
227430 Lose 2009 (-18) 2019-09-04 8:04 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dárkness Human Жрец 23766 7599670 0 0 2161 (+20) 2146 (+21)
Bestfrost Human Маг 8104344 562577 1 0 2195 (+18) 2174 (+19)
Rule Human Паладин 316594 6518958 0 0 2021 (-18) 2012 (-18)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 7145073 1643317 0 1 2010 (-18) 2009 (-18)
226041 Win 2027 (+11) 2019-09-03 3:53 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 5132635 1604365 2 0 2028 (+11) 2027 (+11)
Borisslipper Dwarf Шаман 17804 2798213 0 0 1888 (+19) 1838 (+23)
Nordrek Human Воин 4411165 227988 0 1 1777 (-17) 1689 (-12)
Spiritstream Night Elf Друид 0 3475965 0 1 1689 (-12) 1365 (-2)
226025 Win 2016 (+10) 2019-09-03 14:35 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 19900055 5647663 2 0 2017 (+10) 2016 (+10)
Borisslipper Dwarf Шаман 634249 15018324 0 0 1869 (+19) 1815 (+22)
7498515 17932916 747606 0 1 1746 (-16) 1746 (-16)
8407768 126822 17921244 0 1 1659 (-11) 1663 (-11)
226007 Lose 2006 (-28) 2019-09-03 6:16 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Lsdtrash Human Чернокнижник 6276443 2408942 0 0 2006 (+25) 1958 (+29)
Sætænæs Night Elf Друид 3876635 4517281 1 0 2039 (+23) 2039 (+23)
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 7258277 2403528 0 1 2007 (-28) 2006 (-28)
Borisslipper Dwarf Шаман 55688 6655968 0 0 1850 (-18) 1793 (-14)
226001 Win 2034 (+7) 2019-09-03 3:35 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Nøtemnax Human Жрец 3288993 789930 2 0 2035 (+7) 2034 (+7)
Borisslipper Dwarf Шаман 364205 2421171 0 0 1868 (+14) 1807 (+18)
Grllaglue Human Монах 2999239 827782 0 1 1752 (-15) 768 (0)
Xllq Dwarf Шаман 0 1181356 0 1 1505 (-5) 288 (0)