
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 5 2 / 3 40 --
Season 82 64 / 18 78 2027
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
48123 Lose 2027 (-19) 2019-06-15 8:24 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
米塔特 Human Охотник 9940462 343230 1 0 2258 (+11) 2251 (+11)
Missedfear Human Жрец 811350 6375955 0 0 2083 (+26) 2013 (+31)
Bøøw Human Жрец 91522 5560905 0 0 1987 (-17) 1946 (-14)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 8044592 4247475 0 1 2059 (-12) 2027 (-19)
48044 Lose 2046 (-23) 2019-06-15 10:28 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
米塔特 Human Охотник 10978300 385731 2 0 2238 (+13) 2231 (+13)
Missedfear Human Жрец 466875 7655643 0 0 2034 (+31) 1953 (+37)
Bøøw Human Жрец 154541 5026947 0 1 2004 (-20) 1960 (-17)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 9441024 5069574 0 1 2071 (-25) 2046 (-23)
48018 Lose 2069 (-20) 2019-06-15 3:59 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Thuntgodlx Human Охотник 2758663 121299 0 0 2195 (+21) 2189 (+21)
Beanslayerq Human Паладин 2506525 667488 2 0 2213 (+20) 2189 (+21)
Bøøw Human Жрец 15688 2405905 0 1 2024 (-17) 1977 (-14)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 1427285 1659543 0 1 2096 (-22) 2069 (-20)
47966 Win 2089 (+12) 2019-06-15 10:18 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 174054 4575670 0 0 2041 (+14) 1991 (+17)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 12277246 2352638 1 0 2118 (+10) 2089 (+12)
Radianzaa Human Паладин 299835 9839182 0 1 1768 (-9) 1705 (-7)
Kemrez Human Монах 7100361 1393563 0 0 1840 (-13) 1615 (0)
47950 Win 2077 (+32) 2019-06-15 2:26 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 88745 1046106 0 0 2027 (+36) 1974 (+39)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 1258321 886762 1 0 2108 (+30) 2077 (+32)
Thuntgodlx Human Охотник 1050888 0 0 0 2072 (-29) 2064 (-28)
Beanslayerq Human Паладин 1025541 232664 0 1 2095 (-29) 2065 (-28)
33698 Lose 2045 (-22) 2019-06-11 6:35 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Reetshankkz Dwarf Шаман 394384 6102362 0 0 2138 (+23) 1974 (+35)
Cnt Human Рыцарь Смерти 7991198 346901 2 0 2185 (+20) 2111 (+25)
Bøøw Human Жрец 53093 4369343 0 1 1979 (-17) 1920 (-13)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 5208372 2369875 0 1 2078 (-24) 2045 (-22)
33625 Win 2067 (+13) 2019-06-11 13:20 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 169050 10624926 0 0 1996 (+17) 1933 (+21)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 14837504 2707713 2 0 2102 (+11) 2067 (+13)
Drunkenstein Undead Жрец 109758 8994383 0 1 1746 (-10) 1717 (-9)
Zortme Night Elf Друид 13492021 3590216 0 1 1849 (-15) 1833 (-14)
33610 Win 2054 (+32) 2019-06-11 2:39 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 12557 209074 0 0 1979 (+37) 1912 (+41)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 1378415 767997 1 0 2091 (+29) 2054 (+32)
Mëthødmân Human Маг 1117571 134816 0 1 1972 (-26) 1891 (-20)
Møon Blood Elf Жрец 34312 453156 0 0 2133 (-32) 2029 (-28)
33577 Win 2022 (+25) 2019-06-11 7:03 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 69305 4797876 0 0 1942 (+31) 1871 (+36)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 5781342 4891629 1 0 2062 (+22) 2022 (+25)
Iblissftw Human Паладин 3972936 3383867 0 1 1943 (-26) 1916 (-24)
Thuntgodlx Human Охотник 6101182 246033 0 0 1920 (-24) 1858 (-20)
33524 Win 1997 (+35) 2019-06-10 11:07 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Bøøw Human Жрец 115965 9565615 0 0 1911 (+41) 1835 (+44)
Zertheisnn Human Монах 12652123 4502831 1 0 2040 (+32) 1997 (+35)
Nonned Human Рыцарь Смерти 14151129 824847 0 1 2088 (-32) 2070 (-32)
Slingpa Human Паладин 402212 11467137 0 0 2008 (-30) 1980 (-29)