
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 5 2 / 3 40 --
Season 54 24 / 30 44 1571
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
170474 Win 1596 (+25) 2021-01-01 3:30 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Conquerorr Human Маг 1451769 194541 1 0 1472 (+34) 192 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2993326 492362 2 0 1639 (+22) 1596 (+25)
Makisekurisu Night Elf Друид 12282 3536578 0 0 1506 (+32) 96 (+96)
Georgebushx Human Воин 1604305 295240 0 1 1482 (-27) 1495 (-27)
Macnificx Orc Монах 56953 2012509 0 1 1518 (-28) 1518 (-28)
Inttex Human Паладин 2653396 411367 0 1 1534 (-28) 192 (0)
170460 Lose 1571 (-22) 2021-01-01 1:51 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Thorgrimxd Dwarf Шаман 29788 854260 0 0 1736 (+17) 1736 (+17)
Skintonefive Human Чернокнижник 1726051 156258 0 0 1734 (+17) 1146 (+90)
Inttex Human Паладин 1514056 236146 2 0 1562 (+29) 192 (+96)
Imperator Human Паладин 0 1912813 0 1 1479 (-16) 192 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 457786 287163 0 1 1617 (-26) 1571 (-22)
Georgebushx Human Воин 612257 8380 0 0 1509 (-18) 1522 (-19)
170451 Lose 1593 (-27) 2021-01-01 1:31 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Thorgrimxd Dwarf Шаман 5094 561305 0 0 1719 (+19) 1719 (+19)
Banging Human Чернокнижник 1002409 31230 2 0 1653 (+24) 1585 (+29)
Inttex Human Паладин 800430 0 0 0 1533 (+33) 96 (+96)
Imperator Human Паладин 0 122007 0 1 1495 (-20) 192 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 169552 100263 0 1 1643 (-28) 1593 (-27)
Georgebushx Human Воин 313380 0 0 0 1527 (-22) 1541 (-23)
170439 Win 1620 (+25) 2021-01-01 2:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Thorgrimxd Dwarf Шаман 4964 3703489 0 0 1700 (+19) 1700 (+19)
Костямортал Human Воин 2332219 21984 1 0 1755 (+16) 1676 (+21)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1804104 646495 0 0 1671 (+21) 1620 (+25)
Oxrenegadoxo Orc Шаман 1859303 1189045 0 1 1445 (-12) 0 (0)
Trofy Human Монах 83114 2585698 0 0 1619 (-23) 1616 (-23)
Georgebushx Human Воин 2016936 0 0 0 1549 (-18) 1564 (-19)
169117 Win 1595 (+29) 2020-12-31 3:33 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Protectorowl Human Воин 3591416 0 3 0 1595 (+29) 672 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2937321 1040993 0 0 1650 (+25) 1595 (+29)
Eliisaa Human Паладин 0 3907225 0 0 1595 (+29) 1619 (+28)
Oopssorryy Night Elf Друид 3474 4629281 0 1 1709 (-31) 1361 (0)
Vll Human Чернокнижник 2919270 894262 0 1 1547 (-26) 1504 (-23)
8901498 1695836 0 0 1 1448 (-19) 672 (0)
159782 Lose 1566 (-29) 2020-12-25 1:33 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Vll Human Чернокнижник 1085482 0 0 0 1559 (+33) 1147 (+91)
Elementss Troll Друид 161693 105229 0 0 1578 (+31) 1598 (+30)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 56752 69936 0 0 1625 (-31) 1566 (-29)
Macnificx Orc Монах 5197 616822 0 1 1655 (-32) 1562 (-29)
Samirka Human Воин 35317 38853 0 1 1438 (-22) 384 (0)
157062 Win 1595 (+26) 2020-12-23 2:18 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chubby Human Жрец 53189 963108 1 0 1504 (+33) 1512 (+60)
Sailov Human Воин 669196 14457 0 0 1531 (+31) 96 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 975847 103739 1 0 1656 (+22) 1595 (+26)
Powerblade Undead Разбойник 577913 2864 0 1 1587 (-29) 1571 (-28)
Bengouz Troll Друид 0 396929 0 0 1493 (-25) 96 (0)
Nathzuko Orc Охотник 436417 295947 0 1 1481 (-25) 768 (0)
157052 Lose 1569 (-28) 2020-12-23 3:42 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Anjona Human Монах 3250600 439547 1 0 1676 (+20) 1317 (+81)
Bengouz Troll Друид 0 2597840 0 0 1518 (+32) 96 (+96)
Nathzuko Orc Охотник 1704453 997399 1 0 1506 (+33) 768 (+96)
Chubby Human Жрец 52011 3044297 0 0 1471 (-23) 1452 (-42)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1894843 963599 0 1 1634 (-30) 1569 (-28)
8950611 1763823 25645 0 1 1476 (-24) 0 (0)
157046 Win 1597 (+23) 2020-12-23 3:23 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Human Разбойник 2058220 214712 1 0 1468 (+32) 1484 (+58)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2405499 677980 1 0 1664 (+18) 1597 (+23)
Агатош Human Паладин 99119 2368768 0 0 1628 (+20) 1637 (+20)
Chubby Human Жрец 23291 2727764 0 0 1494 (-23) 1494 (-23)
Powerblade Undead Разбойник 1497264 185096 0 1 1616 (-29) 1599 (-28)
Orc Рыцарь Смерти 1356150 365506 0 1 1329 (-13) 96 (0)
157043 Lose 1574 (0) 2020-12-23 1:05 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Chubby Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1517 (0) 1517 (0)
Human Разбойник 0 0 0 0 1436 (0) 1426 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 0 0 0 0 1646 (0) 1574 (0)
Агатош Human Паладин 0 0 0 0 1608 (0) 1617 (0)