
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 31 18 / 13 58 1444
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
81585 Lose 1444 (-32) 2020-10-22 5:33 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 168251 2760335 0 0 1630 (+28) 864 (+96)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 3172718 207729 0 0 1654 (+26) 1147 (+91)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 2021006 106150 1 0 1619 (+29) 1056 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1357889 453252 0 1 1530 (-23) 1444 (-32)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 26266 2906367 0 0 1564 (-25) 576 (0)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 1694577 795272 0 0 1647 (-29) 1226 (0)
81547 Lose 1476 (-25) 2020-10-22 3:38 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 110815 4192509 0 0 1548 (+24) 480 (+96)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 2930082 434343 1 0 1580 (+22) 768 (+96)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 2793970 133259 1 0 1535 (+25) 672 (+96)
Oldrect Dwarf Шаман 531877 4389847 0 0 1428 (-21) 0 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1681967 1207382 0 1 1553 (-28) 1476 (-25)
Minarchism Human Воин 3036889 9049 0 1 1389 (-18) 480 (0)
81539 Lose 1501 (-27) 2020-10-22 2:11 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 181868 1205728 0 0 1524 (+28) 384 (+96)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 1399205 249447 1 0 1558 (+26) 672 (+96)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 1117927 19347 2 0 1510 (+29) 576 (+96)
Oldrect Dwarf Шаман 0 370005 0 1 1449 (-24) 0 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 448302 264471 0 1 1581 (-30) 1501 (-27)
Minarchism Human Воин 938155 58305 0 1 1407 (-21) 480 (0)
81532 Lose 1528 (0) 2020-10-22 3:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 0 4136957 0 0 1496 (+32) 288 (+96)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 2118905 224250 1 0 1532 (+29) 576 (+96)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 2535102 0 1 0 1481 (+33) 480 (+96)
Oldrect Dwarf Шаман 0 2770109 0 0 1473 (-27) 0 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1885614 1175782 0 1 1611 (-32) 1528 (0)
Minarchism Human Воин 2533327 27147 0 1 1428 (-25) 480 (0)
81520 Win 1528 (+27) 2020-10-22 4:14 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2524967 1156849 0 0 1643 (+18) 1528 (+27)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 64177 4354542 0 0 1589 (+22) 576 (+96)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 2774157 2257994 1 0 1676 (+16) 1226 (+82)
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 3158 3950926 0 0 1464 (-17) 192 (0)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 3870359 316652 0 0 1503 (-20) 480 (0)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 3704722 155067 0 1 1448 (-16) 384 (0)
81512 Win 1501 (+56) 2020-10-22 4:19 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 8790 0 0 0 1625 (+21) 1501 (+56)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 0 0 0 0 1567 (+25) 480 (+96)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 58997 0 0 0 1660 (+19) 1144 (+88)
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 0 0 0 0 1481 (-20) 192 (0)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 14385 0 0 0 1523 (-23) 480 (0)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 5335 0 0 0 1464 (-19) 384 (0)
81509 Win 1445 (+67) 2020-10-22 1:36 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 40769 152351 0 0 1604 (+24) 1445 (+67)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 4172 319843 0 0 1542 (+29) 384 (+96)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 1444194 0 1 0 1641 (+22) 1056 (+96)
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 0 331966 0 0 1501 (-23) 192 (0)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 181440 112011 0 0 1546 (-27) 480 (0)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 343411 21338 0 1 1483 (-22) 384 (0)
81498 Lose 1378 (0) 2020-10-22 4:11 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 91104 3805628 0 0 1524 (+35) 192 (+96)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 3449187 304191 1 0 1573 (+32) 480 (+96)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 4235708 162552 2 0 1505 (+36) 384 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1556024 830950 0 1 1580 (-30) 1378 (0)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 51278 3659375 0 1 1513 (-28) 288 (0)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 2697781 1578219 0 1 1619 (-31) 960 (0)
81493 Win 1378 (+68) 2020-10-22 1:29 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 168288 65306 1 0 1610 (+20) 1378 (+68)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 7462 258700 0 0 1541 (+25) 288 (+96)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 1036233 85047 0 0 1650 (+17) 960 (+96)
Tînder Human Маг 328395 144083 0 1 1418 (-17) 192 (0)
Иванрябкин Orc Монах 36691 119829 0 0 1479 (-21) 0 (0)
81488 Win 1310 (+79) 2020-10-22 3:49 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2309239 1174506 1 0 1590 (+25) 1310 (+79)
Cryzzer Human Жрец 0 4583283 0 0 1516 (+30) 192 (+96)
Topwaifu Human Паладин 2965648 2174568 0 0 1633 (+22) 864 (+96)
Fulmoon Night Elf Друид 0 3477591 0 0 1489 (-24) 96 (0)
Sacredlegend Human Жрец 3851457 555720 0 0 1541 (-27) 384 (0)
Ядипаюмагов Human Маг 3837351 283783 0 1 1469 (-22) 288 (0)