
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 6 3 / 3 50 --
Season 75 23 / 52 30 1467
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
165511 Lose 1467 (-12) 2020-04-06 3:53 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Xwtføløølzz Human Жрец 411604 2129409 0 0 1725 (+12) 1672 (+15)
Dewx Human Монах 4517213 566194 1 0 1732 (+12) 1727 (+12)
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 44494 3193384 0 0 1486 (-13) 288 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2723942 83725 0 1 1413 (-12) 1467 (-12)
165500 Lose 1479 (-27) 2020-04-06 2:57 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Mørlen Orc Маг 1294467 318836 1 0 1529 (+27) 192 (+96)
3608805 1331361 123835 0 0 1485 (+30) 672 (+96)
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 25904 1835615 0 0 1499 (-28) 288 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1180768 20094 0 1 1425 (-25) 1479 (-27)
165488 Win 1506 (+27) 2020-04-06 2:43 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 16469 1830456 0 0 1527 (+25) 288 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 1425924 14338 2 0 1450 (+31) 1506 (+27)
Easywarz Human Воин 1127463 90316 0 1 1507 (-29) 1553 (-30)
Blackquiz Dwarf Шаман 686204 208551 0 1 1385 (-23) 1460 (-27)
165458 Lose 1479 (-28) 2020-04-06 8:19 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Sskkiillmvp Worgen Друид 6098575 4052699 0 0 1461 (+32) 1407 (+66)
Sarrxezer Human Жрец 5535130 2205021 1 0 1508 (+28) 1531 (+26)
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 126653 8731146 0 0 1502 (-29) 192 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 6634645 287765 0 1 1419 (-26) 1479 (-28)
165410 Win 1507 (+67) 2020-04-06 5:18 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 294307 4575361 0 0 1531 (+35) 192 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 6090111 143380 1 0 1445 (+40) 1507 (+67)
Mmaam Night Elf Друид 5585790 708345 0 0 1496 (-29) 288 (0)
Detkiboss Human Паладин 13032 5038621 0 1 1645 (-33) 1558 (-31)
165382 Win 1440 (+51) 2020-04-06 9:27 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Shelbyxo Human Жрец 334974 6367507 1 0 1496 (+23) 96 (+96)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 9519248 224633 1 0 1405 (+30) 1440 (+51)
Froson Blood Elf Рыцарь Смерти 7463583 700219 0 1 1379 (-25) 576 (0)
Steckdose Blood Elf Паладин 357650 8022202 0 1 1390 (-26) 1321 (-21)
95370 Lose 1389 (-26) 2020-03-06 4:14 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Oreod Night Elf Друид 7974 2361599 0 0 1428 (+31) 958 (+96)
Weext Human Охотник 2834272 0 1 0 1473 (+28) 1486 (+27)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 2757096 24379 0 0 1375 (-25) 1389 (-26)
Human Жрец 38266 2306046 0 1 1481 (-29) 384 (0)
95366 Win 1415 (+18) 2020-03-06 4:30 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 3369310 153241 2 0 1400 (+19) 1415 (+18)
Human Жрец 46117 3228193 0 0 1510 (+13) 384 (+96)
Socks Night Elf Друид 3130448 1734102 0 1 1286 (-18) 576 (0)
Errôr Orc Разбойник 1248690 178591 0 1 1203 (-13) 384 (0)
94457 Lose 1397 (-14) 2020-03-05 14:42 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Dobro Human Чернокнижник 24195371 1490008 2 0 1677 (+16) 1684 (+15)
Avhero Dwarf Шаман 343726 13611458 0 0 1593 (+21) 1575 (+22)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 12516816 367243 0 1 1381 (-12) 1397 (-14)
Leste Human Паладин 252532 20124717 0 1 1535 (-23) 1545 (-23)
94447 Lose 1411 (-4) 2020-03-05 1:23 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Moonword Human Маг 501008 32886 0 0 1907 (+5) 1890 (+5)
Ostos Human Разбойник 295864 0 1 0 1896 (+5) 1856 (+6)
Chopik Dwarf Шаман 29215 32538 0 1 1460 (-5) 192 (0)
Redstailwpe Human Охотник 26071 0 0 0 1393 (-3) 1411 (-4)