
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 0 0 / 0 0 --
Season 288 164 / 124 56 1617
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
47238 Lose 1617 (-12) 2021-11-21 2:29 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Fiend Night Elf Друид 1057546 1797365 1 0 1822 (+23) 1807 (+24)
Dyson Human Маг 1213274 19192 1 0 1959 (+14) 1919 (+16)
Faye Human Жрец 647484 779206 0 1 1809 (-24) 1809 (-24)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1648524 184930 0 1 1617 (-12) 1617 (-12)
47207 Lose 1629 (-10) 2021-11-21 2:30 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Скапзд Human Жрец 30453 1471465 0 0 1918 (+17) 1778 (+27)
Dyson Human Маг 1659570 242457 1 0 1958 (+15) 1911 (+18)
Faye Human Жрец 642915 805131 0 1 1833 (-22) 1833 (-22)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1321836 113117 0 0 1629 (-10) 1629 (-10)
47202 Lose 1639 (-11) 2021-11-21 3:38 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Скапзд Human Жрец 140132 2844045 0 0 1901 (+20) 1751 (+31)
Dyson Human Маг 2465613 431743 1 0 1943 (+17) 1893 (+20)
Faye Human Жрец 1605262 1075949 0 0 1855 (-25) 1855 (-25)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1637355 535899 0 1 1639 (-11) 1639 (-11)
47194 Lose 1650 (-13) 2021-11-21 4:19 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Скапзд Human Жрец 307890 3997079 1 0 1881 (+23) 1720 (+34)
Dyson Human Маг 2404708 98136 1 0 1926 (+19) 1873 (+23)
Faye Human Жрец 1970882 901426 0 1 1880 (-27) 1880 (-27)
Blackzerø Human Маг 2202329 508018 0 1 1650 (-13) 1650 (-13)
47191 Win 1663 (+17) 2021-11-21 1:31 The Tiger's Peak +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Faye Human Жрец 297586 0 0 0 1907 (+6) 1907 (+6)
Blackzerø Human Маг 787402 44352 2 0 1663 (+17) 1663 (+17)
Spawachz Dwarf Шаман 19353 0 0 1 1468 (-9) 0 (0)
Bezlikaya Night Elf Монах 32062 93571 0 1 1490 (-10) 0 (0)
38744 Lose 1646 (-29) 2021-11-08 2:37 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Henrysai Human Паладин 1204499 904424 0 0 1620 (+33) 672 (+96)
Smitipwnz Human Охотник 1823721 768157 2 0 1607 (+34) 1601 (+35)
Kobiee Troll Шаман 1211860 1035932 0 1 1640 (-29) 1614 (-28)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1105918 313385 0 1 1646 (-29) 1646 (-29)
38740 Win 1675 (+24) 2021-11-08 2:29 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 417801 1588153 1 0 1669 (+25) 1642 (+27)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1798848 129008 1 0 1675 (+24) 1675 (+24)
Henrysai Human Паладин 885377 384329 0 1 1587 (-24) 576 (0)
Smitipwnz Human Охотник 1195720 771925 0 1 1573 (-23) 1566 (-22)
38739 Win 1651 (+28) 2021-11-08 3:00 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 326076 507257 0 1 1644 (+28) 1615 (+31)
Blackzerø Human Маг 1668347 357053 2 0 1651 (+28) 1651 (+28)
Henrysai Human Паладин 1068369 428514 0 1 1611 (-27) 576 (0)
Smitipwnz Human Охотник 994857 646563 1 1 1596 (-27) 1588 (-26)
38733 Win 1623 (+29) 2021-11-08 1:33 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 611792 85196 1 0 1616 (+29) 1584 (+31)
Blackzerø Human Маг 801395 64518 1 0 1623 (+29) 1623 (+29)
Vector Human Монах 17269 221982 0 1 1576 (-27) 1236 (0)
Iamtenchx Human Воин 221247 16822 0 1 1591 (-27) 480 (0)
38732 Win 1594 (+22) 2021-11-08 1:58 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Kobiee Troll Шаман 991605 166052 0 0 1587 (+23) 1553 (+25)
Blackzerø Human Маг 916944 64312 1 0 1594 (+22) 1594 (+22)
Cherokeezqt Draenei Шаман 453173 165298 0 0 1443 (-19) 288 (0)
Секссмашина Human Паладин 0 800282 0 1 1498 (-23) 192 (0)