
Games Wins / Losses Wins % Rating
Week 2 1 / 1 50 --
Season 66 42 / 24 63 1556
Match ID Result Rating Start time Duration Map
539429 Lose 1556 (-4) 2018-01-30 2:52 Nagrand Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Tcrx Undead Маг 1795947 41736 1 0 1943 (+8) 1836 (+12)
Vittel Night Elf Друид 1461217 929623 1 0 2070 (+8) 1924 (+10)
Kræp Dwarf Шаман 1493726 606213 0 1 1874 (-7) 1923 (-10)
Jaedun Human Паладин 47695 1214655 0 1 1716 (-7) 1556 (-4)
539386 Win 1560 (+16) 2018-01-30 5:13 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Deepwater Human Маг 3851823 83917 2 0 1722 (+12) 1602 (+15)
Jaedun Human Паладин 239365 3201915 0 0 1723 (+12) 1560 (+16)
3234966 1231672 2310728 0 1 1574 (-11) 1598 (-9)
Tchek Human Маг 2087593 302322 0 1 1814 (-11) 1657 (-11)
525811 Lose 1544 (-9) 2018-01-28 2:52 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Cautióus Dwarf Шаман 3999 1258172 1 0 1732 (+13) 1384 (+19)
Glaadiiator Human Рыцарь Смерти 2873246 262939 1 0 1679 (+13) 1429 (+18)
Stream Human Охотник 2430700 0 0 1 1663 (-12) 1698 (-12)
Jaedun Human Паладин 49380 1439445 0 1 1711 (-12) 1544 (-9)
525782 Win 1553 (+17) 2018-01-28 4:32 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 3308782 0 2 0 1675 (+15) 1710 (+14)
Jaedun Human Паладин 234409 2795782 0 0 1723 (+15) 1553 (+17)
Zetsuga Orc Разбойник 2340341 137540 0 1 1692 (-14) 1602 (-10)
Dirtybloodz Human Монах 1165927 2230560 0 1 1850 (-12) 1761 (-13)
525768 Win 1536 (+12) 2018-01-28 3:00 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 2997726 0 2 0 1660 (+9) 1696 (+9)
Jaedun Human Паладин 507153 350545 0 0 1708 (+9) 1536 (+12)
1058951 126270 1780331 0 1 1628 (-8) 1583 (-10)
Faryxa Human Монах 366202 582554 0 1 1360 (-8) 1408 (-6)
525749 Win 1524 (+12) 2018-01-28 2:41 Tol'viron Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 2238441 0 2 0 1651 (+9) 1687 (+9)
Jaedun Human Паладин 265438 921128 0 0 1699 (+9) 1524 (+12)
Алер Night Elf Друид 940073 805642 0 1 1492 (-8) 1213 (-4)
Omnesqqx Draenei Шаман 806582 592318 0 1 1493 (-8) 1213 (-4)
525730 Win 1512 (+13) 2018-01-28 1:57 Ruins of Lordaernon +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 1397275 0 2 0 1642 (+9) 1678 (+9)
Jaedun Human Паладин 116461 256837 0 0 1690 (+9) 1512 (+13)
Алер Night Elf Друид 393571 468880 0 1 1500 (-8) 1217 (-4)
Omnesqqx Draenei Шаман 39363 0 0 1 1501 (-8) 1217 (-4)
525711 Win 1499 (+11) 2018-01-28 2:39 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 1209100 0 1 0 1633 (+8) 1669 (+7)
Jaedun Human Паладин 82619 458816 1 0 1681 (+8) 1499 (+11)
Magikk Undead Маг 349465 13099 0 1 1502 (-7) 96 (0)
8247620 236774 8461 0 1 1292 (-7) 1255 (-4)
525695 Win 1488 (+11) 2018-01-28 1:46 Dalaran Sewers +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Stream Human Охотник 1195572 0 2 0 1625 (+8) 1662 (+7)
Jaedun Human Паладин 189659 393370 0 0 1673 (+8) 1488 (+11)
8265871 0 250997 0 1 1485 (-7) 0 (0)
Mizkor Undead Рыцарь Смерти 413262 119415 0 1 1288 (-7) 0 (0)
525673 Lose 1477 (-3) 2018-01-28 3:16 Blade's Edge Arena +
Name Race Class Damage Healing Kills Deaths MMR Rating
Noobrankone Human Рыцарь Смерти 3024860 323603 2 0 2146 (+6) 2006 (+6)
Ninsid Human Паладин 56983 1769075 0 0 1901 (+6) 1952 (+7)
Stream Human Охотник 2034049 0 0 1 1617 (-5) 1655 (-5)
Jaedun Human Паладин 42827 1769646 0 1 1665 (-5) 1477 (-3)